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Marex's Blog

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Posted: 01 Dec 2008 11:38 [ permalink ]
Minotaur now...
Session summary:
Experience gained: 22221218
Experience lost: 0
Experience spent: 19904431
Gold difference: -2511.00
New areas explored: 5535

Battle skill summary:

 Hits: 2369 Misses: 1384 Parries: 0 Ripostes: 0 Stuns: 8

SLOW regain? Lolz.
Posted: 22 Nov 2008 07:16 [ permalink ]
| #      Boon                Desc                                          |
| 1      bladed fury         Gives your bladed furies +10 damage           |
| 2      camping             Gives +20 heal when camping                   |
| 3      discount            Guild levels cost 25% less money              |
| 4      enhanced peer       +25% to enhanced peer                         |
| 5      *fast camp          Let's you wait less time between camps        |
| 6      fast scout          Scouting takes only 1 rounds                  |
| 7      fire building       Gives your fires +1 regeneration              |
| 8      hiking              +25% to hiking skill                          |
| 9      leather craft ep    Leather craft takes 50% less ep               |
| 10     long blades         +4% to long blades skill                      |
| 11     turbo push          Push skill can now interrupt skills/spells    |