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Shar's Blog

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Posted: 20 Jan 2022 20:44 [ permalink ]
Archpriestess Adriora {triad}: Because of severe crimes committed against the
Triad of Darkness, Shar has been excommunicated from the church until Wed Feb
09 16:49:30 2022.
Posted: 10 Nov 2018 19:29 [ permalink ]
Name:         36 letters
Might:        greater god
Hit Points:   190               HP regen:     superb    
Spell Points: 320               SP regen:     superb    
Endurance:    130               EP regen:     superb    
Hit Bonus:    superb            Def Bonus:    superb            Dmg Bonus:   
Strength:     20                Dexterity:    0                 Constitution:
Intelligence: 20                Wisdom:       20   
Resistances:  fire (superb)
Metabolism:   superb    

Skills and Spells:
goto_ship (fair      )
power_blast (good      )
vacuum_ball (good      )

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 13:29 [ permalink ]
Gotrek {party}: aaah day's first snus.
Gotrek {party}: better than fucking your own clone in the ass.
Posted: 30 Oct 2013 10:14 [ permalink ]
You grab Balthas's hand and quickly twist it between the door hinges. By using
quick reflexes you slam the door with thunderous strength. Balthas screams and
his face turns white as a ghost at Plura's Castle, WOOAAAHHAAHHHHOOOOOORF!
Posted: 24 Sep 2013 10:14 [ permalink ]
| 1.1   Porkzar       ldr  834( 834)  439( 439) 380(380) |  61 |            0
| 1.2   Shar          fol 1442(1564)   70(  70) 431(431) |   V |            0
| 2.1   Witblits      fol  684( 684)  771( 771) 237(237) |  48 |            0

Kiraffi tells you 'Oletko hommannu lakeijoita'
Kiraffi tells you 'Epäilen petosta'
Kiraffi tells you 'Oon melko varma, ettet ole pojille vaivautunu kertomaan
että olet kulli-ukko !'
Kiraffi tells you 'Vähä niinku Hitler veis päiväkotiin keksejä'
Posted: 28 Jun 2013 20:26 [ permalink ]
Kawasa quacks 'TIAMAT WEST       !!!!!!!!!!'
Kawasa leaves west.

Tiamat shouts 'My HAMSTER fights better than you do, Kawasa!'
Info: Kawasa dies.
Kawasa dies.
You are the new leader of the party. (MEITSI LIIDAA)
Posted: 13 May 2011 13:36 [ permalink ]
Frenor {party}: durtleki vittuilee ku katon jakista, ja ite kuitenki lukee
kirjoja, joka taas on iha homojen hommaa. 
Posted: 23 Jan 2010 02:34 [ permalink ]
Info: Freld is unidle.
Freld tells you 'joku koittanu tappaa bbs'
Freld tells you 'glacius summannu, sylkwyng relonnu glaciuksee ja tappanu sen,
joku summas sylkwyngi pois, jäin tähä'
Posted: 19 Jan 2010 10:57 [ permalink ]
You are about to choose 'instant' as your reincarnation method.

Tax % on your experience would be:     0
Experience you would pay would be:     0
Please confirm [y/n]: 
Fine! Setting 'instant' as your reincarnation method.

Press enter to continue...

You remove a gleaming pendant crafted from fresh mithril.

Doing Reincarnation Conversion

 Experience paid in reincarnation taxes:    157288138
 Total experience remaining:                629152557

Press enter to continue...

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 02:31 [ permalink ]
G'naa'Byeh points upwards and screams 'Azzarakk, take this sacrifice I offer
A gaping black hole appears, sucking G'naa'Byeh into it! He vanishes
Posted: 25 Apr 2009 23:25 [ permalink ]
tells you 'ainii ei vittu'
tells you 'piti soittaa teikulle tuos'
tells you 'mut unohin kyl!'
tells you 'ni sanotaa nyt sit tääl!'
tells you 'nii tuota eileku'
tells you 'mentii kossuissaa saunaan ni, otettii siel vähä kilpalöylyi'
tells you 'tulin vittuu sielt ni'
tells you 'rupes iha vitusti kivistää vattaa'
tells you 'kerkesin just 2 saunan muovipeflettii ottaa siitä ni'
tells you 'ja juoksin saunan kulmalle ripulille :D'
tells you 'vedin sipat hankeen'
tells you 'kaiffari sano että'
tells you 'farttasiks'
tells you 'sanoin jooo tuos vähä pierasin'
tells you 'en viittiny sanoo et paskoin'

No, ihan hyvä ettei soittanu
Posted: 17 Dec 2008 09:53 [ permalink ]
Crusifer tells you 'anna 15m highcoinsseja tai teen jonku nais charrun vaikka
minoque tai vastaava ja tuun huutelee et sul o pienji muna ja oot iha paska
sängyssä ja et oot läski ja ällö'
Posted: 12 Nov 2008 20:27 [ permalink ]
Peligroso [ghost]: mikä toi mardraum on? taasko jonku huumorintajuttoman
arkkivelhon idis?
Posted: 19 Oct 2008 04:07 [ permalink ]
You perform a solid strike with your torso maker and cut the head of Valentina
and pick it up. You grab a a wooden stake and erect it on the ground. You hang
the head on the stake and tilt your head meaningfully as you call for the
souls to provide guidance for the lost soul.
Posted: 18 Oct 2008 13:18 [ permalink ]
Satan attempts to riot against you, but you manage to tighten your grip on the
soul and subdue it.
Posted: 08 Oct 2008 16:22 [ permalink ]
Joribund says 'What a fine squirrel you have brought us.'  
Joribund says 'It will make an adequate guard.'   
Posted: 04 Oct 2008 00:41 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
You surprise Ancient beholder completely as you grab bag and skillfully pull
it over its head. Ancient beholder is having severe difficulties seeing
anything as you tighten bag around the head decently.
Posted: 14 Sep 2008 17:49 [ permalink ]
Entor tells you 'tahoks tan wizu ringi takas'
You tell Entor 'no voimmä ottaa juu :)'
You tell Entor 'relo vaa'
A coalescing of ethereal substances causes your vision to blur.
When your eyes clear, Entor stands before you.
Entor gives ring of high Wizard <red glow> to Juggelo.
Entor exclaims 'lol!'
Entor tells Juggelo and you 'wizardille wizard ringi'
Juggelo eats the ring of high Wizard.
Juggelo burps rudely
Juggelo says 'mikäs toi ol.'
Posted: 23 Jan 2008 20:14 [ permalink ]
Routa tells you 'hmmm'
Routa tells you 'katoks kolmosta'
Routa tells you 'tuli joteki kauhee kotosa olo ku tulee downin syndroomasta
jotai juttuu 45min ohjelmassa'
Routa tells you 'oonkoha ollu joku irl retardi edellises elämäs'
Posted: 29 Nov 2007 23:19 [ permalink ]
Entor the bat (darkness+): for a second I thought I will never play bat again
but here we go again 
Posted: 18 Sep 2007 20:09 [ permalink ]
Durtle tells you 'The devil monkey of Shar whispers to you: The salt of
patience seasons everything. ku tellasit ton :D'
Posted: 07 Jun 2007 22:41 [ permalink ]
Frenor (party): tulipa hauska juttu mieleen
Frenor (party): batin pelaajista saa lauseeen: kato laku pekka
Posted: 15 May 2007 11:48 [ permalink ]
11:47) |<yo says 'Str: Melekosesti (666+++++), Dex: Näppärähänse
(7400++++++++), Con: Läski (666+++++), Int: Teh-Brain (666+++++), Wis:
Tosiviksu (666+++++), Cha: WOAH (666+++++), Siz: Pituutta löytyy (1---).'
Posted: 06 May 2007 04:53 [ permalink ]
Wispy shades of Entor (ghost): now I know why it was called deathberry
Posted: 23 Apr 2007 00:05 [ permalink ]
Entor (darkness+): I heard that if u look into mirror and chant Routa three
times, he will come and rape you (if ur under 15) 
Posted: 03 Apr 2007 22:32 [ permalink ]
Darken tells you 'häät 2009'
You shake the magic 8 ball, and it reveals: My Reply is No.
Darken shakes the magic 8 ball, and it reveals: Signs Point to Yes.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 20:03 [ permalink ]
Shar (party): kaks psiitä kova partissa ku voi devee ristii
Entor {party}: vaha niiq imis toistesa munia ku ite ei ylla
Posted: 24 Mar 2007 15:43 [ permalink ]
Total of 962609180 (6.41739e+06%) experience spent in reincarnation taxes.
Posted: 10 Feb 2007 02:58 [ permalink ]
Wilkey [bat]: just forwarning everyone about an undead chipmunk on the way to
the tarm guild on laenor
Posted: 08 Feb 2007 03:58 [ permalink ]
Catellan shouts 'Routa should learn to use consider!'
Info: Routa dies.
The shattered remains of Routa tells you 'voi vitun turbo catellan'
The shattered remains of Routa tells you 'vituttaa vaa lähtee entrystä hellii
|   39145: Catellan Spikedtail is here training for battle                   
Posted: 05 Dec 2006 16:45 [ permalink ]
Routa tells you 'hei vittu mitä vittua'
Routa tells you 'MIKS LEVIN BOLT TEKEE 300DAM vaik o booni ja resist all cloak
Routa tells you 'imasin tos 900dam cold rayn ilma dcrittiiki'
Routa tells you 'mitä vittuuuu =)'
Routa tells you 'oks näitä fukattu joteki'
Routa tells you 'vai miks imee ku syntiset huorat blasteista'
You tell Routa 'otiks machismon tilalle masochismin? :)'
Routa tells you 'näköjää :D'
Routa tells you 'Bane (percentile): Masochism'
Posted: 05 Sep 2006 17:52 [ permalink ]
Spid (party): Written on it is a riddle:
Spid (party):    The stongest chains will not bind it.
Spid (party):    Ditch and Rampart will not slow it.
Spid (party):    A thousand soldiers cannot beat it.
Spid (party):    It can knock down trees with a single push.
Spid (party): Below the door is an alphabet, and you do believe
Spid (party): you could -tap out- a word on it.
Andthi [party]: godzilla!
Posted: 07 Aug 2006 00:55 [ permalink ]
Landon [newbie]: how do you set surname and dont tell me help surname
Shar (newbie): surname set help
Landon [newbie]: how do you get rid of surname
Landon Help is a level 28 mortal of the Catfolk race.
Posted: 28 Jul 2006 14:49 [ permalink ]
Darken tells you 'mähä kerran tein noin :D'
Posted: 12 Jul 2006 02:44 [ permalink ]
Kyo {party}: en ota riskejä
Posted: 28 Jun 2006 23:09 [ permalink ]
(23:08) Entor tells you 'pitaskoha kutoo tonne 12 asti'
(23:09) Entor tells you 'ei tallasta hack'n'slashii aina jaksa ni pitaa vaha
Posted: 19 Apr 2006 19:40 [ permalink ]
Rocker {party}: you feel older,yet more powerful.
Rocker {party}: mites täs viel more powerful vois olla :DDD
Posted: 09 Feb 2006 03:26 [ permalink ]
Rocker (party): sais olla sellainen top-defutukset plaque, se ois kyl tylsää
luettavaa ku rocker lukis joka kohdas
Posted: 04 Feb 2006 19:19 [ permalink ]
Entor {lepo+}: hehe, pitas tallane dementtine mummo vieda bcsta calythienii
mut aattelinki kuskaa omaa huoneesee ja ottaa siita huoran
Posted: 03 Feb 2006 23:32 [ permalink ]
There are one hundred twelve fishes in the room.
Entor {party}: oiski kova ku ei tuliskaa godzillaa vaa joku sokee nunna =)
Posted: 08 Jan 2006 19:55 [ permalink ]
Entor {lepo+}: meika menee shrinelle ni tulee gangwayta pitki atomska! VITTU
Entor {lepo+}: Displaying last says to you.
Entor {lepo+}: (19:52) Atomska cheerfully waves and says 'hello'.
Entor {lepo+}: (19:52) Atomska smiles happily.
Entor {lepo+}: (19:52) Atomska says 'Hp: 220 (964) Sp: 45 (45) Ep: -226
Entor {lepo+}: (19:53) Atomska says 'no crystal :/.'
Posted: 03 Jan 2006 03:33 [ permalink ]
Entor {party}: mite paasen veke taalta snow dogi mestan mazesta
Posted: 27 Dec 2005 10:54 [ permalink ]
Durtle tells you 'nyt en tiia kyl mut istuinkoha lahemmaks tunni paskal :D'
(Tue Dec 27 07:15:50 2005)
Durtle tells you 'ainaki aamu o tullu sillaaikaa enka tajuu mitaa =D' (Tue Dec
27 07:16:06 2005)
Posted: 11 Oct 2005 13:47 [ permalink ]
Entor tells you 'ALA BATMUD!'
Entor tells you 'TEEN 5M EXP!'
Posted: 09 Sep 2005 05:19 [ permalink ]
(04:49) Nazrix tells you 'I love you'
(05:14) Nazrix tells you 'I hate you'
Posted: 24 Mar 2005 02:52 [ permalink ]
Viko tells you 'siulon kyllä sellainen mieli mitä tapaa just jotenkin eniten
aivoihinnussittuilla kuvataiteilijoilla siis ihan vitun hämärien verhojen
luona viipottava, diggaan kyllä ja jotenki vahvistuu just vaa usko et jossain
mis luvut tekee ne kuvat ja merkit niin on se kaikki salainen mistä kulttuuri
ja siis ihminen historiallaan ja mielellään kuiskailee - eli siis hitto just
miten kaikki kuiskaa just siitä jostain sairaasta epäpyhästä iltahämärästä