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Turmio's Blog

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Posted: 19 Sep 2007 17:08 [ permalink ]
I have been in this _fluffy_ merchant reinc for couple of months. I still got
much work to do to achieve my goals (which to be honest are utterly stupid
since there's isn't really any benefits to ensue:D). So like I said a lot of
reagents, few chests, cash and a upgrading ship still to do. I would really
like to go for a offtank next but as always after few exp parties I tend to
get ultimately boring of exping so maybe I should think about a mage or
something (again!??). Anyway I bet no-one cares what I'm mumbling about. :/
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 15:17 [ permalink ]
used a few times= INC
as good as new= SUP
has some small repairs= EXC
has some minor fixes= GREAT
been fixed a few times= GOOD
been fixed several times= FINE
Posted: 04 Aug 2007 03:26 [ permalink ]
Kipinä [ee+]: no oisit iteki hajoillu ku oisit näin vammane
Posted: 23 Jun 2007 14:08 [ permalink ]
Sodat on sodittu ja nyt odotellaan enää siviiliin pääsyä. TJ 13 ja homma
näyttää ihan valoisalta. Jostain syystä ylensivät vielä kessuksi vaikka en
mielestäni kauheasti särmännyt :D
Posted: 29 Dec 2006 20:39 [ permalink ]
As many of you may have noticed I haven't been very active lately but there'll
be a time when I'll get back to business. While waiting for that (next summer)
please don't constantly ask for parties/services/invites or whatever. It's
very uncomfortable to say no everytime because I don't want to upset anyone.
People seem to have problems understanding why I have chosen only to idle and
not to do even the smallest requests but that's my choice not yours. Until I
drag my lazy ass out of my chest room lets all be patience and let the man
chat and "rest" in peace.

Posted: 19 Dec 2005 17:37 [ permalink ]
|     179: a small and cute chipmunk          
It took only 30mins to kill it! Alone! I ROCK!
Posted: 06 Sep 2005 21:12 [ permalink ]
|     218: a large hare with tangled fur                 
Turmio rolls: 68.
Got nothing :( :( :( :(
Posted: 18 Aug 2005 18:59 [ permalink ]
|   11983: a sky-high adult giraffe                                          
Posted: 07 Aug 2005 22:40 [ permalink ]
|      73: a cute little bunny rabbit                                        