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Posted: 29 Jul 2011 16:19 [ permalink ]
From: Ulver (Lvl: 94 Age: 2y, 27d, 8h, 53min and 13s)
Subject: whata trip man!
Date: Thu Aug 07 01:42:47 2008
Rating: 3 Votes: 5

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Posted: 04 Nov 2010 23:08 [ permalink ]
I am laying under a palm tree, with a butterfly on my knee. Calling towards
her while holding my dick, she looks at me, still painting her lips.
Posted: 11 Oct 2010 16:29 [ permalink ]
                     4MMML                  .
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Posted: 11 Oct 2009 04:42 [ permalink ]
took a trip in a time machine ten years backwards = I shaved
Posted: 26 Aug 2009 19:53 [ permalink ]
man's frail flesh enslaved by the realization of ones mortality is never free,
unbound is the spirit but too often oppressed.
Posted: 30 Jul 2009 05:53 [ permalink ]
calling your name to the cold autumn night, escaping only as a whisper from my
cold lips, awaken the winds and darken the sky, but no, the betrayal of power
is weakness, stay hidden, name unheard, call upon myself, inside, the vastness
of thousand universes and find the path, through worlds, into countless new,
slipping, feel myself, falling .. separation, empty corpse, surrogate host for
the spirit, empty and cold, the spirit has fled, into realms beyond, names,
Posted: 23 May 2009 19:13 [ permalink ]
I was riding towards north, lapland, and had been on the same long straight
road now for hours without seeing any signs of civilization. My eyes were like
on fire from watching the unchanging view. I took hold of the wheel with my
knee and closed my eyes for a brief second and scrubbed them slightly, and
that was enough, A young moose had ran on the road, and by the time I opened
my eyes, I had barely time enough to steer my car on the side. Luckily I was
driving slowly, but still, I had driven deep enough on to the side of the
road, soggy and muddy from the melting snow, that I was stuck.
I cursed my luck, and the moose, who was still looking at me from the edge of
the forest. I looked behind me on the road, from the way I had come, and
thought that there was no reason to go backwards, I hadnt seen any signs of
life, and wondered how far it might be if walked to get help. Having no
choice, I started walking, same direction, same never changing scenery. The
sun was still high, maybe three hours before dusk, which brings darkness very
quickly here up north. I had walked maybe a few kilometers, when i noticed a
road leading off the main road, with roadsign hinting of some industrial area.
That looked good enough, I hoped there would be someone with a heavy truck
there who could help me. 
After a mile or so, the road ended at the yard of what looked like a farm, but
with alot of buildings too, that looked like small factories and warehouses.
The forest surrounded the place, so the sunlight faded into a near twilight,
even though there was still couple hours left of the day.
I noticed a single car on front of a farmhouse
and went on to knock on the door. After a few seconds, I heard some rattling
sounds, and approaching steps from the inside, then the door opened, and a
middle-aged man greeted me, saying he doesnt want to buy anything. He was
already closing the door, when I managed to say something. Excuse me, could
you please help me out, I almost ran to a moose, and drove off the road, and
now my car is stuck a few kilometers away. The door opened fully, and the man
said to come in. I went in, and he asked if I would like some coffee, or maybe
water. I accepted a mug of steaming coffee and sat down on a bench by a large
table taking up most of the space in the kitchen. I complimented the coffee,
which was good, far superior to those balming fluids they call coffee in gas
stations. He hadnt said anything else after offering me coffee, but was just
reading a paper intently. I calmly waited, drank my coffee, but after a while,
I coughed politely. The man raised his head from reading, stared at me
confusedly for a moment and brightened, asked if I would want to see his
premises. I told him again, that I needed help, and he agreed to get my car
out with his tractor, but first, he wanted show me something. He didnt have
many visitors here, he said, and he was inventing things on his free time, but
had nobody to show them to.
I agreed to take the tour, if it wouldnt take long, because it was getting
darker by the minute now. 
He walked out, and towards one warehouse behind the farmhouse. You couldnt see
the warehouse from the road or yard, and I was amazed how large it was. The
man opened large pair doors, and turned on the lights. I gasped and was
awestruck, my mouth prolly gaped open, but I couldnt get any words out. What
the man had build, was an ufo, flying saucer, something that I cant really
describe as anything else. It was flat, enough room to stand if you were
inside I guessed, but not really round, but oddly shaped, like it had too many
angles, bumps, curves, features that seemed to defy any common sense, and
sure, after watching it for a moment, I noticed that it was in a constant
move, the features changing place, but the thing itself didnt seem to be
moving, just floated half a meter above the ground, with no supports holding
it there.
I watched the man beside me grinning, turned his head to me and and said, I
bet you didnt expect anything like this. I said nothing still, I just stared
at the thing for a while. I asked him, if I could touch it and he nodded. I
approached the flying thing slowly, unsure where its surface really was, it
looked like water, no, like quicksilver rather. I held out my hand and touched
it, and it felt warm, nothing like I expected yes. It was like touching a
dolphin, like the one I had once had the chance to pet in an aquarium, was my
first impression, but then again, it felt bit like glass or sometype of
plastic. I withdrew my hand and went back out, asked the man only, how. He
looked at me smiling, and said, just because I can. I asked if he had flown
inside it, or could it travel into another worlds. His face turned into a
puzzled look, and with obvious confusion, asked what did I mean. I said that
it reminded me of science fiction novels descriptions of ufos or flying
saucers, and I thought that was what it was. The man started to chuckle, and
said no, that is not what it is for. He said that sure, you can ride on it,
but it didnt move anywhere from that spot, well, not up into skies atleast,
but it moved in time.
Now it was my turn to look confused. I asked the man if he was serious, that
you cannot possibly move in time, because that would mean everything runs on
specific course, destiny and all that stuff, which I had always disregarded as
same as religions, just legends. But the man said with grave expression that
it indeed move in time, he had once tested it and it had worked, I wouldnt
make up stories like that. 
The man said also, that he had spent all the fuel on the first test, so there
wouldnt be any more timetraveling with it, unless someone could somehow
provide something that doesnt exist in this world. The last part was just some
mutters, so I cannot be sure what he said exactly. He looked at the thing
proudly and said, that it was now just a piece of art, pretty to watch. and I
I had almost forgotten why I had come, but it was getting dark now, and the
lighting up stars on the sky reminded me. I asked the man if he could now get
that tracktor and come help me. He turned off the lights, closed and locked
the doors of the warehouse, and started towards another warehouse, by the side
of the farmhouse. I walked behind, slowly, still thinking of what I had just
seen, shaking my head in disbelief, when I heard a whisper, a call of
somesort, and such a call that I couldnt resist it. It seemed to come from
behind the warehouse where the machine was, and behind that, the forest
started abruptly, border into complete darkness. But my feet didnt obey me
anymore, and I started walking towards the forest, while there remained a
spark of panic in the depths of my mind, I couldnt awaken it enough to control
I approached the first trees, and was plunged into complete darkness, and my
senses reeled, I could hear my feet shufling forwards, cracking of twigs and
hushes of grass brushing my pants, but I couldnt see anything. It felt like an
eternity, I was walking slowly, but in that eternal darkness, I started to
finally see something, some spark of light, still far away, but flickering
through the trees, which soon started to give up and disappeared quickly,
leaving me blinking under bright stars.
I saw in some distance, light, more intense by a moment, like someone building
a fire. Soon I realized, that I had control over myself again, but I felt
drawn towards the light, that, and the stars being the only sources of light
in this otherwise total darkness I had just walked through. When I walked
closer to the light, I noticed it was coming through a window of a house,
small cabin like.
After a while of walking on what felt like a grassy field, I was at the front
door of the house, but saw nobody inside. I knocked on the door, and it
opened, but still saw nothing. I was just about to step in, when I noticed a
small hatch on the floor opening up, and a smell of damp earth and rotting
smell of a bog, oozing out, along with a wrinkled old lady.
She said nothing, just beckoned me closer with a hooked finger, shriveled and
sharp, like a claw. I hesitated, but stepped inside, crouching at the doorway,
and almost hitting my head on the ceiling which was lower than I had thought.
She pointed her finger at a low stool by a small table, possibly telling me to
sit down, so I did. Then she turned towards the fireplace, where something was
boiling in a small cauldron. She scooped some into a bowl, took a wooden spoon
from mantle, and offered me the bowl. I smelled, figured it was some stew,
meat and potatos, and tasted it. It was good, so I ate and almost licked the
last bits. I hadnt realized I was so hungry, but thinking about it made sense,
it was prolly close to midnight by now. The old crone still hadnt said
anything, but me neither. Somehow all my fears had disappeared and I had
almost forgotten where I was. Now that I realized that, I voiced my questions
and asked the old lady who she was or where I was. 
She just shaked her head, said something, but in a language that I had never
heard. It sounded strange, sharp like germany with the fluency of saami, the
language spoken by the natives in lapland, but totally different from any
dialect I could think of. She was talking for a long while before she paused,
looked at me, and smiled. Then she started again, but this time, with a softer
tone, almost like chanting, and I started to feel terribly heavy, drowsy and
my eyes just closed. I crashed softly on to the floor. 
When I woke up, it was already high noon, the sun pierced through the window
glass, straight on my face. I felt a bit croggy, and numb, caused most likely
from the hard and not so warm floor I had spent my night on. I slowly raised
my head, and sat up, noticing that my shirt chest was bare, my shirt and
jacket been opened, and there were some strange markings on my skin. I tried
to rub them off, but though it looked it had been drawn with charcoal, I
couldnt get it off. I just buttoned my shirt and and jacket, forgetting the
markings, and stood up. 
I looked around, and noticed the cabin to be empty, not just empty, but
looking like it hadnt been used for a long long time, except for the
fireplace. I was dizzy, confused, cold, and generally miserable, and just
wanted to get home. Going outside, the brightness of the sun was almost
painful, but soon, the soothing warmth made me heavy again, and like I had
noticed on the night, there was a large grassy field surrounding the cabing,
and it felt soft, alot better than the cabin floor. I sat down to think, but
soon my thoughts escaped and the warmth and softness of the ground sang such a
Posted: 13 May 2009 00:26 [ permalink ]
I would build an ark for myself if the world would sink into the seas because
of the climate change, and would have a long stick to push you all away from
it. I would make the flood myself, by melting the polarcaps with a
flamethrower, if I could, just to see every fucker on this planet to turn into
fishfood, that way i wouldnt have to share my sushi.
Posted: 08 Nov 2008 21:44 [ permalink ]
Ramjett's ass bleeds on your face.

You now have AIDS.
Posted: 30 Mar 2008 14:17 [ permalink ]
we hide from the inevitable fate with the release of energy from our organic
host we inhabit, energy that stimulates our senses, rendering us helpless to
the true form of existance, the freedom from consciouss choices and moral

we must cut the stimulus to particular reaches within our subconsciouness from
where our most natural instincts and dreams lie dormant, suppressed by the
genetically imprinted neural limiters. we must allow dreams come alive, so we
can choose to live in the personal heaven that was meant to be obtained only
by enlightment through various ways, by now tainted by the desire, original
dream lost along the rising sun, radiating through cracks and holes in the
walls we built, beaming right at your face. blinded we stumble across a speck
of dust hurtling through the vastness of cosmos, unaware of the capabilities
we harness in these eccentric waves of thoughts, mostly, because they remain
unheard and unspoken.
Posted: 29 Jun 2007 05:26 [ permalink ]
sacrifice your sanity for supermacy
forget your wisdom for understading
transcend deep into a souljourney 
aspiration for immortality achieved
fifteen fatal wounds self inflicted
beginning of the end, free of captivity
suicide, set yourself free
suicide, trade for immortality
Posted: 18 May 2006 02:19 [ permalink ]
stale air fresh death linger. rotting, putrid smell, old blood stains still
on the wall. everything in the color of rust. one chair, with a small table,
nothing more. a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, barbed wire, rusty on the table.
man sit down the chair, lust in his eyes. a hairless doctor, in stained, blood
still fresh on his once white coat. force the mans mouth open to smash his
teeth with a hammer to screw blades of bent rusty metal, tie barbwire around
the face, pulling back lips and ripping cheeks, and slowly feed him chunks of
flesh from his own body, starting from the feet and hands, then the feast of
eyes, tongue, a tourniquet keeping the blood inside, left to bleed or starve
to death, and woken up to start it again.
Posted: 30 Nov 2005 06:42 [ permalink ]
 mental breakdown, universe is a fractal amoeba in the sea of emptiness, from
our point of view it is eternally slowly breathing, but our numbers or
computers cannot calculate its rhythm, we are just parts of its consciousness,
like braincells which all contain one little dream of our lives
Posted: 17 Aug 2005 03:58 [ permalink ]
bloodstained walls, some dried and rusty brown
a chair on the center, in the otherwise empty room
on the chair, five leather straps, rusty instruments on the side table
I was bound, hands legs and neck, a sudden flash and a man appears
bald, face almost white, one eye covered by a strange device
wearing a leather apron and long black gloves
sit beside me, takes a rusty spike, and opens my mouth with screws
with hammer and spike, one at the time, breaks my teeth and bone
finishing the stumps with a crude file
with rusty thick screws he mounts my new teeth
made of iron, cruel spikes, sinking to my flesh when I close my mouth
my cheeks and lips pulled back with leather belt around my head
all the while im staring at myself spinning, crimson whirlwind ends, I wake up
Posted: 30 Jun 2005 06:20 [ permalink ]
I yearn for a starlit sky
there is a star inside of me
but only for your eyes to see
in darkest of nights
it will shine, high and bright
just for you
Posted: 24 May 2005 01:22 [ permalink ]
a shadow born without a soul is bound to a man who's destiny is unknown.
sometimes unseen, the shadowy silhouette is always within. if grown, out of
control, it starts command, enslave you under it's dark whisperings, withering
you inside until it kills everything in you that was yourself
Posted: 11 Oct 2004 23:15 [ permalink ]
the world is gonna end someday, maybe tomorrow but not tonight. can you smell
the rain, and crispy autumn chill. can you see the frozen flowers painted on
the walls, and behind these walls of glass, people live their pointless little
lives, when they should enjoy the time they are still alive ...
Posted: 31 Aug 2004 22:54 [ permalink ]
pools of blood, and corpses all around
soon to rise, and join the evil dead

hate the living for their souls
possess the mind to use the body
drink their blood and eat their flesh
join the army of the dead

dwelling in the darkest corners
underneath your consciousness
smell of fear, draws them near
weakest minds are first to fall

Soon, possessed,, by, the evil dead!
Posted: 07 Aug 2004 19:56 [ permalink ]
(19:53) Hater tells you 'tein dsken eldmdni tyhmimmdn ostoksen.. kdytiin henan
hotlipsissd ja ostin itselleni tekopillun'
(19:54) Hater tells you 'se oli ihan perseestd'
(19:54) Hater tells you 'ja maksoki ihan liika'
(19:54) Hater tells you 'no tottahan toki.'
(19:54) Hater tells you 'siitd on aitous kaukana'
(19:55) Hater tells you 'no, kaikkea pitdd kokeilla kerran'
Posted: 23 Jan 2004 20:46 [ permalink ]
raatona makaa, paljas kallio peittyy vereen, taivas itkee, maa katkee ruumiin,
vesi pesee veren, tuuli tomut mukanaan kantaa.
Posted: 18 Jan 2004 18:54 [ permalink ]
tortured soul crying alone in the vast dark inside myself I am not the same
Posted: 03 Jan 2004 06:21 [ permalink ]
eight universal cores massed up like stars swirling amidst the endless void
dancing in spirals so wide no comprehension enties surrounding consisting of
the spirits forming the living and pulsing fires masses so great supergalaxies
the tiniest particles smaller than we know all in eight breathing globes of
blackness each breath creation and recreating destroying everything the same
Posted: 18 Dec 2003 12:45 [ permalink ]
love? what is that, I only feel longing in my heart, a possible by-product of
that love that is such an overrated feeling. I dont feel good, Ive felt more
satanic and evil in the past weeks than usually, but that could be the winter
affecting me. *groan* why do I feel, I dont want to·
Posted: 01 Nov 2003 18:54 [ permalink ]
corpses feeding on bleeding bodies, carnal orgy of the dead!
others join the massacre, torn bodies everywhere,
all turn to living dead, spreading death in the orgy of the dead!
Posted: 13 Oct 2003 21:03 [ permalink ]
miks sa luet tata? 
Posted: 07 Sep 2003 10:33 [ permalink ]
im playing far too much. wish I had money, wanna go to isolation, mom's
summerhouse is in middle of nowhere, with rocking sauna and lotsa forest
around. ahh... I didnt do dishes today, and need to clean my fridge, something
smelly in there. seeing flashes of war, people dying and screaming, and the
sky is clouded by smoke, blood soaks the ground turning it to mud and
smothering all plants but few weeds here and there. I hear the explosions and
see the flashes in the horizon as the world is rocked by huge blasts the bombs
dropped from clouds of airplanes that fly over every, even the smallest corner
of the world and make it go up in flames. The sounds of it all, it deafening,
the images, maybe part of the feelings of people dying, it freezes me inside,
and I try to hide...
Posted: 27 Aug 2003 16:15 [ permalink ]
I started school on monday, after the first day, I quit, woohoo.
Life is like a pile of shit, if you dig long enough, you might find the pearls
someone gave to the pig. fuck it, yeah, im the pig, wallowing in that pile of
shit, happy should I be just to be, but i am not, no pearls in my shit.
Posted: 24 Aug 2003 02:26 [ permalink ]
some blood came from my butthole today, hard shit, been eating too much
cheese, should smoke less weed, eat more fibers, flex my rectum manually and
jump up and down to mix out the shit in my intestines evenly. yea fucking
right. im going to go play soem heavy metal now.
Posted: 22 Aug 2003 18:54 [ permalink ]
I made a pipe out of a potato and hemp stalk yesterday. smooth smokes.
Posted: 18 Aug 2003 17:12 [ permalink ]
got some pussy on weekend, after years it feels like losing a virginity again.
goddamn im a loser :)
Posted: 15 Aug 2003 01:27 [ permalink ]
turn the tide of tomorrow into yesterdays bad news and shun away from the
people who rush towards you like a hurricane, the world is mad storm and the
light is not to be seen from the dark clouds, silent walls of lies that cover
the sky and everything that can fly high enough, so falls the curtain of grace
from the veiled face of a young woman who is the gem in space called gaia.
Posted: 13 Aug 2003 10:01 [ permalink ]
Today I woke up, rolled a joint, watched some porn and masturbated, lit the
joint and entered batmud. yesterday I went to a chinese acrobatics circus, it
was fun, and sucked, they didnt let me take a bottle of water inside, so I had
to leave it outside, and I swear the portsari pissed/spit in the bottle
because he was so fucking mean and stuff. but the chinese girls were pretty,
young, flexible and in tight clothes, and I was sitting on the first row,