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Developer Blogs > Amd > Bats & Slovenian War Heroes!

Bats & Slovenian War Heroes! - Sun 26 Apr 2015
Journey to the Gala:
It was in middle of the fall 2014, when Capula told me he had an idea concerning a B.A.T. mud card game. It was a good idea and we worked to get card listings and game mechanics together during few brainstorm sort of meetings with Capula. We also had tons of conversations over skype and steam about the game. One of the funniest things in this planning, was when we were writing down card specials and rules simultaneously to google drive as you could see an another cursor creating text along your own.

At first we did not have that tight schedule about the release, but then we came up with the idea of releasing it as special surprise for the 25th anniversary gala. We both worked towards finding artists for the images on the cards, but in the end, due tight schedule I had to take some creative commons and public domain materials to get the decks together in time.

Capula was the one doing work in game testing and planning mostly. My job consisted toying around with Gimp to get layout done. The bad English and grammar issues, well we worked together on that. *smirk* Tho, we did get some wizards read the materials through and we got some feedback. Especially on the matter of making it more understandable and easier to start playing without earlier experience in such game. I also got a ton of help in image processing stuffs from my fiancee, Mira, lucky me.

Huge thanks to all of those peers for support and feedback and few lucky batmudders who were involved in some testing.

The future:
    1. There are some bugs and typos (both grammar and vocabulary) to fix.
    2. Plans about getting the game accessible to all B.A.T. community, wider range of releasing have to be taken into consideration as well.
    3. There are some plans to keep on working on the game and develop it further.
As we published Bats & Slovenian War Heroes to our community, you have a chance to help us get it better. We are open to constructive feedback and willing to put effort into making the card game a small portable part of our community for years to come.

-Amd, Mad-scientist.
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