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Mud Quotes

Unset Language
Submitted by: Calmis
At: Feb 6 2006
Rating: -6
*Ghost of Kalmis Descent party: mistäs päin te muuten olette Spica party: hä? Spica party: porvoo On shoulder: Ghost of Kalmis the MEGA varsi roc
Unset Language
Submitted by: Psymar
At: Apr 17 2006
Rating: -6
[05:05]:Karunungan [newbie]: What mobs can I kill to get back to Evil? [05:05]:Nyriori the Helper [newbie]: good ones. Also try casting harm spells [05:05]:Karunungan [newbie]: Only Harm spell I really have is Darkness [05:06]:Nyriori the Helper [newbie]: uh, what guild are you, karunungan? [05:06]:Karunungan [newbie]: I am the Reaver guild, kind sir. [05:06]:Nyriori the Helper [newbie]: then... you don't have cause light or serious at least? [05:06]:Karunungan [newbie]: Yes, I do. [05:06]:Nyriori the Helper [newbie]: then use them [05:07]:Karunungan [newbie]: But they are pretty low atm but I am near the guild and have EXP to spare [05:07]:Karunungan [newbie]: Which one causes more damage?
Unset Language
Submitted by: Calmis
At: Feb 11 2006
Rating: -7
Player A tells you 'Player B tells you 'Player C otti Player D:ltä suihi eile :)' You tell Player A 'Onko ne molemmat miehiä?' Player A tells you 'no vissii' You tell Player A 'miksei toi ole mudquotessa? :)' Player A tells you 'en varmaa ois saanu sanoo :D' Player A tells you 'wantedille panis blowjob?' Player A tells you 'en oo sitte sanonu tota Player B:n telliä jos joku kysyy :D' You tell Player A 'haha, pistän mudquotee.' Player A tells you 'et paa' Player A tells you 'et paa :D' Player A tells you 'Player B tietää senjälkee kuka on player A' You tell Player A 'nojooh, kyl tää on pakko laittaa. ei voi mitään.'
Unset Language
Submitted by: Kitsune
At: Apr 13 2006
Rating: -7
Shinarae tells you 'never let a dyslexic woman go down on you. there's no telling where she'll end up :P'
Unset Language
Submitted by: Haii
At: Jan 5 2009
Rating: -8
Haii [party]: BROKEN ARROW
Unset Language
Submitted by: Ssmud
At: May 3 2010
Rating: -8
Pangi talking about Blayke Pangi [team+]: i would cum in his mouth and let him snowball it back to mine
Unset Language
Submitted by: Psymar
At: Apr 27 2006
Rating: -11
Leander newbie: where could i kill dragons >finger leander Leander is a level 25 mortal of the Wolfman race.
Unset Language
Submitted by: Tawno
At: Jan 10 2006
Rating: -18
Nips tells you 'i liked the part about the huge guitar and something about massive boners or something haha'