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Posted: 15 Oct 2004 09:03 [ permalink ]
Ok time for a 'real' blog again after all my poems which I hope you enjoyed at
least a little bit. Sometimes Im just hit with inspiration and start writing
them and in many cases they manage to make me feel better to some extent. Well
anyway my 15th trip to Funland was indeed fun though it also was a bit stress
as I changed hosts quite often. I actually spent the night before my early
mornign flight back home in a Helsinki nightclub with Viko which was fun
indeed. Now I'm back home however and already in my first of three nightshifts
in this month. I still love working nightshift it's not too much to do, the co
workers are usually fun and in most cases even the passengers are ok.
Unfortunately my three nightshifts aren't in a row but 'nicely' spread over
the whole month. Hmwhat else is new in the existance of what others would call
a life? I successfully managed to spill a whole cup of freshly pressed apple
juice into my keyboard last night.. WHEE that was fun.... NOT. At least till a
few hours ago it still worked though. A nice side effect is the fact that now
the keys are making a way softer 'click' when used.... and it smells nicely...
I already fear summer when the wasps find my keyboard though. Well it is a
wireless one so if I would decide to buy a new one I prolly also would have to
buy a new mouse etc etc.. so for the moment to be I try to stick with what I
have. And of course I wouldn't be me if I wouldn't already have planned my
next visit to Helsinki... IF I decide to go again as soon as I think I will I
might be back in Funland around the 23rd of October... but I stop making plans
cause they never work out anyway so I will wait and see. Coolio I just managed
to get the DVD player at work working GRIN. Hm all in all I have one of my
high hopes again that I MIGHT get my life under control within the next year..
well I have had theser hopes before but well we will see. My friendships in
Funland usually give me so much power that my ego has been going up a bit
recently. Besides that our valley of the king s has been released finally and
I got 9 levels out of it which makes me a Wizling now and no longer a Code
slave. AND mortals seem to like it which gave me another ego boost. It
reminded me a bit of the time when I was acting and got the applause after a
play. Sigh good ole' times... it once was my deepest wish to become an actor..
well Im a wizard and working at the airport thats at least some kind of acting
I figure....Hackop decided to call me last night which was fun though it was
after the presidential debate and I was fecking tired so prolly my english was
reduced to some gruntint sounds. Hm .. I ordered a leather coat... I know it
is against my ethical believes as a vegetarian but it was a special offer and
it won't be my size anyway I fear so that I'll have to return it.. The company
told me that an XL should be sufficient for me but who knows. Missing talks to
my friend Hyrmy he hasn't been online for quite some while. Sigh it's
depressing to see friends vanish... especially when one can't do anything
about it. In his case I don't even have his telephone number. Well my sleeping
rythm is still totally topsy turvy. I'm working nightshift till 6 am tomorrow
and the day after tomorrow I'm working early shift... great....