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Era's Blog >> 18178

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Posted: 20 Oct 2005 01:47 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You roll your eyes wildly and exclaims 'gtzt mar nak grttzt'
You watch with selfpride as your golden arrow hits Zhentorian Captain.
Zhentorian Captain screams in pain.
Because of the low amount of unidle players you receive some additional
experience for your kill.
When the captain dies you see a portal open up in the
corner that leads back to BatCity.
The Zhentorian Captain has been killed!  With his death the large air ship
sails up from Central Square and off into the skies, to return to the island
of Zhentoria.  However there still may be some Zhentorian soldiers scattered
throughout the city.
YUCH, Zhentorian Captain's entrails spill all over the place.
Zhentorian Captain is DEAD, R.I.P.