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Posted: 03 Sep 2003 03:28 [ permalink ]
41539: Dirk, the smithy  Dammit I knew that Mud would be my end one day but
like this .... My rl name is Dirk :P Time: 13 hours 55 minutes 35
secondsExperience gained: 1575378 Experience lost: 0Experience spent:
1566085Gold difference: +19057.00New areas explored: 223 And another VERY nice
mudding day. Not sure if i even beat my last exp record or not with that 1,5m
I made today or not. It's getting cooler and cooler, Caped has his Internet
connection from his place now as has Kotivalo, so more of my friends back
online who I already missed. Again had a nice talk with Dino. He rocks. Was
quite proud when he said I gave him some ideas and stuff for his Taiga area,
though he didn't include the rooms I wrote for it. Kinda tired again... Woke
up, turned on the PC and exped.. lol where is my RL? Made the exp for the
final part of my level with Sordus and Hunts exploring. It's a real cool
thing. Am still wondering how on earth I managed to make a whole level in one
day.. and that 2 days in a row. Prolly will advance till 70 or so.. I think my
chunk costs will increase to 800 then and that already is pretty painful imho.
Don't even wanna imagine to have even higher chunks like 1m or so. Sasquach
finally was back online today. I visited him, Urza and Nightwatch in
Springfield, Missouri, USA in April. He suicided, came back under another
character name and suicided again only to start as Sasquach again. LOL ok just
saw a tell on wanted that I can't hold back... XXXXXXX [wanted]: relo rp you
bitch fuckin tarmas... OK kids.. NEVER say that at home cause it prolly will
do the opposite. Imagine I'm an idling Tarm and I#m asked THUS nicely... do I
REALLY want to rp this person? Hm but then again I might, because I already
can imagine the tells on ghost if the person dies :P. Shay asked me to write
the description of our Kamikaze SS item. Something I happily did, though I'm
not sure it's the way the general wanted it to be or not, but remains to be
seen. Generally kinda ok - good day :). Now bed sounds tempting. It gets
colder and colder and the heating doesn't work atm. Whatever..... CU tomorrow