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Posted: 24 Jul 2006 04:01 [ permalink ]
[2~And yet another of my glorious 'blogs from above' today brought to you 

once again from on board one of my lovely airlines very own airplanes. 

Funnily enough one of the flight attendants used to be an old trainee of 

me... it yet remains to be seen whether I'll get super extra service 

today then or not ,). My old old friend Mr. Mizo from Batmud visited me 

for a week and left yesterday... funnily enough I will be sooner in 

Helsinki than him and he left 1,5 days ago. Well true I am taking an 

airplane and he is on his motorbike but still,). Life is full of funny 

coincidences... so it happened that Frostwolf logged on today and will 

give me a ride to Leppvaara to my place from the airport.. only this way 

I could use the convenient flight at 22:00 as it arrives at 1:20 and 

there are no busses anymore at that time. I'm looking forward to go to my 

 room again after 2 weeks. Helsinki gives me the peace of mind I need in 

my mind. Whee that sounded corny and still it is true. I somehow still 

feel like being imprisoned in between 2 worlds.. my tummy feeling urges 

to spend even more time in Finland while my head tries to keep me in 

Germany.. funny life indeed I am living. Anyway anyway.. where were we... 

well I was a happy tourist with Mizo. I sent my parents for a well earned 

vacation to northern italy / southern tyrol. So yesterday Mizo left, my 

parents arrived and I got ready to leave today. As usually I'm a bit 

nervous to meet someone new.. in this case lady Frostwolf. Work situation 

is getting a bit tough at home as well.. I hope I can continue to take my 

lengthy breaks from it to meander to my second home Helsinki. Well Well 

well I have had my 3rd Champagne and I even got a second serving of food 

which rocks. Well usually more food is loaded than consumed and the 

remaining food is tossed away but in any case it was a nice thing to get 

me some more. The pasta was just too delicious. Well Sauna and some cool 

beer is waiting for me in Leppvaara and I'm watching some DVD while 

flying above the earth.. life could be so easy, couldn't it... if only 

the beer and the flight and the DVD wouldn't have to be earned... Anyway 

no need to get sentimental again femko. Then again I still wonder whether 

anyone reads this or whether I stopped writing for others and am writing 

more for myself than for others. Anyway... All in all my dreams have started
to get a bit mixed up again which usually is a sign for not too good
situations mental-wise but this as well remains to be seen.**