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Posted: 04 Oct 2006 21:43 [ permalink ]
You are done tinkering!

The apparatus is ready, and now all you have to do is to figure out
what use it has, if any. Whew!

You mental connection to 'channels' returns.
push button
You push the button on the apparatus!

The gadget shrieks 'Harmed the following mortals: Eraser, Anarkha, Shalkan,
Zup, Zenick, Demo, Nuane, Twomi, Brillo, Naflein, Rutaliator, Walciz, Brokus,
Vendar, Belse, Zinko, Rauskis, Kirya, Panthos, Blnk, Qurp, Boot, Wide,
Predator, Alva, Malacoda, Tumbelius, Maximus, Ggr, Dagel, Glaurung, Keffe,
Hirmu, Farliss, Ivan, Munkki, Toivo, Malos, Nobbs, Jaael, Wirah, Spid, Calada,
Mallarch, Nemi, Searc, Entor, Zhagaal, Myshkin, Celesta, Mikaiyla, Tackle,
Morik, Durtle, Jeskko, Morglum, Illusia, Humma, Alder, Ssmud, Solarhawk,
Niliz, Capula, Sumar, Glace, Mahon, Necrobarbie, Stargazer, Hellvasara,
Foxbat, Keat, Air, Serra, Thunk, Gorge, Doughnut, Pehtoori, Tarli, Valkrist,
Peelo, Grimpold, Troile, Erwain, Hobo, Venomwwa, Rocker, Houtmi, Chizra,
Dazzt, Correl, Kohothegreat, Larppa, Halle, Demicore, Bleezuz, Susette, Zenor,
Arnac, Ziba, Luca, Byleth, Lightscape, Kenn, Iktomi, Juo, Kawasa, Mino, Lim,
Yorkaturr, Kiraffi, Dralith, Sprite, Daria, Shar, Oku, Huppu, Cran, Byzant,
Yehat, Delpers, Sancran, Skyline, Mega, Reima, Stark, Tonto, Murrough, Zerks,
Liku, Caruth, Conquer, Toag, Gorph, Mursia, Stefan, Muffles, Calmar, Jacen,
Vito, Inferno, Cozmo, Macic, Raizar, Sephiroth, Molotov, Markuz, Tikku,
Azgaroth, Druff, Mandrake, Glory, Lazarus, Horns and Zarx! Have a nice day!'

The gadget crumbles to dust.

(21:35) @Ggr cheers enthusiastically at you.
(21:35) @Boot is absolutely stunned and amazed and can only say 'Wow...' at
(21:35) @Kiraffi admires you.
(21:35) @Mallarch dropkicks you across the room.
(21:35) Ssmud tells you 'OMFG'
(21:35) @Daria cheers enthusiastically at you.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Stargazer growls and screams 'MUR!'.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Juo gives you the finger.
(21:35) @Mikaiyla slaps you on the cheek.
(21:35) @Alva eeks panicedly at you.
(21:35) @Kenn 'hmmmm's for a moment at you.
(21:35) @Gorge laughs at you.
(21:35) @Jeskko licks you.
(21:35) Boot tells you '330 hp'
(21:35) @Thunk thanks you heartily.
(21:35) Kirya tells you 'aww =)'
(21:35) Boot tells you 'you could kill a thrikhren with that thing'
(21:36) Maximus tells you 'You feel like Ramjett's gnomic gadget HARMED you a
(21:36) Gorge tells you 'congrats you made a nuclear devicce'