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Conquer's Blog >> 27224

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Posted: 02 Dec 2006 22:52 [ permalink ]
was a long night, -166 which kinda sucked, i never really hit much and ran
extremely cold for the most part of the night while at 10/20. by the time the
game broke i was -155 or so and decided to go play 3/6 and shoot a bit to see
if i could recover. so i swung madly at 3/6 and ended up losing 11 dollars. it
really sucked. QQ cost me abot 900 dollars yesterday. makes me kinda want to

they are spreading 20/40 at another casino now, i might go check it out next
week. also they might spread 10/20 at a different casino on saturday nights,
meaning my weekends could be poker filled from her on out unless some things
change in my social life which i dont really care much for these days