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Posted: 03 Oct 2003 02:34 [ permalink ]
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another interesting day in the life of a strange german.
Mkaaaay was so damned bored the whole day. Should prolly start making serious
exp soonish.... but I need  prots for my eq and I'm too lazy to get that.
Whatever. Was it today or yesterday that there was a bank robbery? Hmm..
anyway, it sucked. Lost 25k or so. Got my pictures of the trip online last
night on Have to admit that I secretly hoped for some tp. I guess
since it wasn't a con I won't get some. I only need 4 to get those fucking 2
steps of a boon.. oh well. Was really bored.... even went to the city to see
to it that I get my ID card renewed. Luckily I had to have pictures taken in
Helsinki when i got me that finnish students bus card thingie. So I could use
those pictures for my ID card now. Had a relaxing party with Tonto being the
backup of a Grimpold,Fizbuck etc party who did some nice eq while I raised and
Tonto did the other work in the background. Was a bit shocked when Tonto told
me that I met him in Jyväskylä... I know I was drunk.. but THAT drunk? Had a
slight chuckle when clumsyy my rl brother congratulated me on my blog and told
me that he got to know me better through it. His brotherly advice was to mud
less... but luckily little brothers are known throughout the world for not
following their big brothers advice. Tried to talk with my new friend
Shadizar-Pexi but he was doing eq again the whole day. :( Seems as if I was
lucky that I met him without mud at the Mökki. Friends of mine in RL here in
germany had a look at the pics as well and found Finland to be pretty. Whee,
I'm not the only weirdo. Generally bored by life and mud and the rest, though
I feel pretty different after my last trip, all that travelling of my own
seems to have a positive effect on me. (Not to talk about all the things that
can happen WHILE I'm travelling) A bit sad that the He Man cartoon's first
season is over again.. remains to be seen, whether they show the second as
well. Tired all the time... perhaps I should have my blood checked.. How come
I can sleep that much?! Whatever.... time for idle again or something. Dammit,
I really should DO something tomorrow. P.S.: Saa rocks!