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Posted: 06 Oct 2003 05:38 [ permalink ]
Joooo Clumsyy's (Frank's) Bday today. He actually liked my present - the last
Kaurismäki movie on DVD - or he is an ok actor. Sucked that the DVD did not
have any extra features on it... well whatever. He saw 10 min of the movie and
then asked me if finns really are like that.. he was kinda shocked when I said
yes. :) Made like 900k today which was ok, considering that I spent a big
amount of the evening in a Thai Restaurant eating yummie vegetarian food. For
those who do not know already.. I'm a vegetarian for almost 10 years now. Just
my luck that in my dish there were eggplants included... and I HATE eggplant.
Well I succesfully got all the pieces out of it .. :) My plate looked kinda
funny at the end. Gnn have been itching the whole day.. either my skin gets
too sensitive or I got some flees from the cats of my friends whome I visited
last night... so far I vote for sensitive skin.. :). Had an interesting stage
of catholicism in the evening.. Have been battling with my faith for a longer
time now.. and actually almost decided to leave my church ... today I ended up
listening to Ave Maria by Schubert for like 20 times in a row. Saw a
documentation bout the pope... prolly that was why. Also saw a report about
german neo nazis.... I really don't get  em... there are people in this world
who prolly will NEVER learn. Still happy bout the DVD player I bought
yesterday... Will have to get me some nice movies tomorrow.... eep that means
facing RL again.. sigh.. wish me luck batworld. Looked forward to some nice
chats today but Shadizar was busy again and Jutom preferred surfing.. so I
ended up with the Ave Maria and reruns of talkshows on TV. Once again my
sleeping rhythm is totally f***ed up.. It's 4.30 AM atm and I'm not tired at
all. Still yearning after nature somehow.. I guess I have been sitting in
front of the PC for too long again and maybe that Mökki trip woke up some of
my primal instincts crying out for nature now. :) Well I might go for a
midnight walk once we have full moon.. always one of my favorites. Partie d
with the Nabsters again today... I really should be called honor-nabster by
now. GNnnnnnnnnnn I am full of energy and dunno what to do.. sigh well I
prolly should try to hit the hay...