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Posted: 05 Jan 2008 21:50 [ permalink ]
There are numerous torturing gadgets, tables, pedals and other things of the
art in here. The air feels cold and it is full of dread. You do not like the
way things are set up here. Everything is twisted, sick. A grotesque rotting
smell engulfs you. You can feel the pain this place has made to the poor
individuals interrogated by the Grand Master Torturer.
Obvious exits are: downnortheast and nw.
the Grand Master Torturer

HP: 1120/1120 ()  SP: 740/764 (+77)  EP: 486/482 ()  EXP: 9685 ()
You start chanting.

You are done with the chant.
You turn visible.
You speak the ancient Word of Spite 'torrfra'
A glowing white mystical symbol appears in the air before Torturer.
Targets of race torturer are added to your list.
You watch with selfpride as your word of spite hits Torturer.