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Evilild's Blog >> 38632

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Posted: 02 Jun 2008 12:45 [ permalink ]
<---------^--------->  Loc:    Icy Cobblestone Crossing in central Laenor
|        czc        |  Exits:  north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest,
|     .RccccRzz     |          southeast, southwest
|   ?..Rcccc=-gzS   |  
|  ....RRR=RR.|zzS  |  This is a crossing where the roads meet one another. It
|  ......%|...|.zS  |  is quite broad and definitely makes the journey easier.
< -+------*---+.zSS >  However, slippery ice covers it in many places, and one
|  yyyyy.y...?|.zS  |  needs to be careful nonetheless.
|  yyyyyyy....|.zS  |  
|   yyyyyy....|.z   |  
|     y.yyy...|     |  
|        yyy        |  
a cart labeled 'BASIC WEAPONS & CASTER GEAR' (9 items)
a cart labeled 'Enchanted Armour Plus' (10 items)
a cart labeled 'A-Kauppa' (12 items)
a cart labeled 'Mess o' Pottage' (9 items)
a roadsign pointing east, north and west
A gargantuan slime-lizard sits here with bulbous belly, burping belligentrily