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Posted: 20 Oct 2003 05:57 [ permalink ]
Time: 17 hours 22 minutes 53 seconds Experience gained: 1787747 Experience
lost: 0 Experience spent: 1972331 Gold difference: +3793.00 New areas
explored: 84

Ok long awaited absolute sleeping disorder day... don't even really know which
day it is today, sleeping in 3 h chunks and mudding the rest... basically even
seeing sleep as a unwanted but sadly needed distraction from mud. Went to the
airport this morning and met Bohemian there who arrived from Dallas and
continued to Finland.  Was fun like hell to meet yet another mudder and to get
a face to a name. Jutom announced that he started suicide and I sure hope he
will stop it again. Had a couple of good talks with different people and made
hardcore exp with Grimpold, Parsin and Nomiculious. Maxed unstun couple of
days ago and slowly are running out of useful spells to max. Am working on
ress now, then on rais and then maybe on Soul Hold or Enhanced Vitality. We
will see. 5 am atm.. maybe I should sleep.