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Posted: 14 Sep 2008 22:56 [ permalink ]
Alignment Mayhem and Shamanic Deed. It's been an interesting two days!

The alignmayhem event was awesome and tons of fun from the evil side of
things, particularly being a tiger it gave some feel to what I imagine
tiger was like before all the missions were level 100 rebirthers in
big parties, with abilities that let them know you're coming when you
leap. It was a blast, I pk'ed alot of people big and small and didn't have
to feel one bit bad about it as there was no loss prays for everyone.
Good clean competition. Couple minor irritations with aggro mobs stealing
a pk kill, although nothing terrible.

It was definitely WAY one-sided, although we got Shar and Rocker both
along with some other super powerful characters, so that definitely
did nothing to balance out the inequality =) Not too many nuns showed
up and it turns out druid healers don't make good tanks.

I solo pk'ed a couple large people successfully, and solo'ed Rigger
and Mikaiyla once til Mikaiyla was unconscious, but Rigger got me
before I could make the kill. Quick tell to Nazrix and that problem
was solved though. Zap Zap!

Made one relic with Angu, dunno what it did exactly. Vague message.
Altogether I scored somewhere between 9 and 12 points for our side,
I didn't keep exact count but gotta be in that range.

All around it was a cool event, although lop-sided so I'm sure it was
aggrivating for tarmalens. Well.. too bad, now you know how I feel
everytime a mission comes up and it's a lvl 100 rebirthed tank, or a
lvl 100 backrow with 2 friends. Not so fun when the challenge is pretty
much impossible.

Completed Shamanic Deed today, after a couple weeks of poking around
the area, figuring stuff out, getting a couple tips and a good deal of
killing. It's an AWESOME quest, I highly recommend doing it. You can
explore much of it on your own, which is nice because you won't be holding
up a party while you read room descs and such. You can also do it in
stages, as you need to first make something to access the 2nd stage
of the quest. The thing you make is chestable (even the parts to the thing)
so that's very handy. Look at everything, talk to all the NPC's you can find,
and sometimes you just need to sit at a room and listen for room emotes or
an NPC to say something.

Thanks to Nepnep, Artea, Boot, Cneajna, and Sprite for helping me make the
first part of the quest, and Murgan for completing the object for me.

Thanks to Hair, Malystryx, Hemicuda, Gileon, Ktonis, Deepwood, and Pharm
for helping with the 2nd stage of the quest. Big thanks to Nosunrise
for helping get the ball rolling with that party. Cheers!