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Posted: 13 Aug 2003 03:41 [ permalink ]
My lucky streak is continuing. Got Save princess Daisy with the help of my
Kamikaze friends and my former and future Padawan Beliar. Kamikazes really
rock and Im happy to be a member. Work sucked but I played some Game Cube
there and improved my skills there in rl. Questing starts to rock. Got
apointments to do Sacrifice Staff and Enchanted Cloak tomorrow after boot.
This would mean restoring me to almost my former glory and getting me nearer
to my goal to get seeker rank. Actually this forced reinc isnt THAT bad. It
gives me the chance to do some quests and though they can be a pain in the
ass, I found that they can be nice as well. A bit sad that all these cool
tunes take place now that Im in the midst of this reinc. Explore tune,
personal exp tune.. and I don't have navs yet and still got safe exp on,
making exp making a bit difficult. Well if i learned one thing from the finns
it's improvising, so I'll just wait and see how this Femko character develops.
I'm starting to miss old friends who didn't log on in a long time like Mimu,
Kotivalo, Jenar or Elier just to mention a few. Either I am getting older and
more addicted or they found happiness in RL. Hmm 42 quests now.. minus kitty
making 41... 9 to go. If I get sac staff and enchanted cloak it would mean 7
to go. I can get Scouts and Trogloyde Rod too, making 5. Hmm Ant hill can be
done too.... 4 OK Hmmm  Find Fred Frox... hmm 3. Dammit this has to be done
soonish: I wanna get my levels back. Not being to heal and help others sucks.
I feel like a useless Tarm.. lol was I really that helpless before? :) Navs
really rock. Whatever.. not really tired but going to bed nevertheless, must
be awake after boot. Hope Thiamin's thumb gets better soon, that accident
really sounded terrible. It hurt ME when he told me about it. Prolly am too
empathic :P