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Kohothegreat's Blog >> 56604

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Posted: 25 Jun 2012 16:34 [ permalink ]
"The dwarves seems to avoid this place"
The entrance to the sulfur mine.
Ore wagons and picks lay in piles all around. Seems like the dwarves has
abandoned there mine. There are the same runes and carvings here as it was at
the big entrance.  The cave ceiling is so high so wonder if the Horsehead
mountain really is enough. You can smell a strong scent of sulfur. 
Black iron gate (closed) leads enter.
Obvious exit is: west.
Arnoldi ParaMore the Duck < tst >
Mouldwall, a huge earth entity pulsating with POWER [Arnoldi]
Goodgulf the Human < tst >
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine

alrighty then!