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Kohothegreat's Blog

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Posted: 22 Sep 2023 18:32 [ permalink ]
"Whoever silences his troubles, Is a prisoner of his troubles, You don't get
justice in the country, Who doesn't get it himself."
Posted: 12 Sep 2023 03:00 [ permalink ]
(02:57) @Aceduck poks you.
(02:57) You tell Aceduck 'hola'
(02:57) You tell Aceduck 'needing sauna expert!?'
(02:57) Aceduck tells you 'reinc expert'
(02:58) You tell Aceduck ' Last reinc: Feb 28 2008 (5674 days ago)'
(02:58) You emote to Aceduck 'starts undressing and shouts 'I am so fucking
sorrey!' like only Moss can.'
Aceduck tells you 'eek...'
Aceduck (wanted): reinc expert
Posted: 12 Aug 2023 21:21 [ permalink ]
Kohothegreat {party}: well going to take shit and shower 20 bell or someshiet
if needing hands on keyboard
Marley (party): I fear the way you shit if it requires shower

wise men know what to fear
Posted: 10 Jun 2023 12:39 [ permalink ]
"There can be no true despair without hope"
Posted: 16 May 2023 17:43 [ permalink ]
"The old monk Yamabushi told a story about faraway land, where everything is
the other way around, place of the emperor theres a garage manager, in place
of samurai - brutes, in place of honour - money. No one believed the old man -
whats the purpose of such country?"

Posted: 06 Feb 2023 15:30 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'parempi ku ei sekota seksiä ja naisia
Posted: 28 Jan 2023 19:00 [ permalink ]
look at tools 
There are no light sources here, but you can still see.
There are all sorts of tools here.
-well thats cruel!
Posted: 25 Dec 2022 10:33 [ permalink ]
"Its Not Gay If Its TSA"
Posted: 24 Dec 2022 20:36 [ permalink ]
"I can become invisible, but only when nobody is looking"
Posted: 20 Oct 2022 19:34 [ permalink ]
(18:17) xxx tells you 'do you know any npcs that sell 'sausage' ?'
Posted: 02 Sep 2022 11:40 [ permalink ]
Testbench continues :The crew are apathetic.
Posted: 26 Aug 2022 22:04 [ permalink ]
Testbench: The crew are questioning the captain.
Posted: 12 Aug 2022 11:23 [ permalink ]
[10:58]:Moor [politics]: Even the officer corp, no longer has elite
[11:02]:Moor [politics]: The American elite support minority participation in
the military, a Black 4 star general was just appointed commandant of the
Marine Corp
Posted: 30 Jul 2022 20:59 [ permalink ]
The cock crows loudly chilling your bones and causing you to forget what you
were doing.
Posted: 26 Jun 2022 21:16 [ permalink ]
"With each passing day the apocalypse ceases to be a fear and becomes hope"
Posted: 17 Jun 2022 22:32 [ permalink ]
Rammon gives black nylon stockings to Sheep.
Posted: 09 Jun 2022 17:13 [ permalink ]
"It is better for those who have violence in their hearts to be violent, than
to wear the cloak of non violence to hide impotence"
Posted: 20 May 2022 22:05 [ permalink ]
"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
Posted: 15 May 2022 10:18 [ permalink ]
"Balance as long as you can. If it's no longer possible, set the world on
Posted: 14 May 2022 11:20 [ permalink ]
"Did you get that washing machine?"
"What did it cost?"
Posted: 12 May 2022 19:59 [ permalink ]
"Tell me what you think
About your friends at the top
Now who d'you think besides yourself
Was the pick of the crop?"
Posted: 07 Apr 2022 22:18 [ permalink ]
"What about your future? It's defective! And you can shove it up your ass"
Posted: 02 Apr 2022 00:55 [ permalink ]
Queen shouts 'Ellash bites the dust!'
Posted: 29 Mar 2022 22:28 [ permalink ]
[22:24]:Xunisiih (politics): its not genius plan... more of drooling retard
level plan, but plan nontheless
Posted: 06 Jan 2022 20:01 [ permalink ]
[19:57]:Berenn (wanted): what does creation date have to do with it... I love
to play the game, most of the time have, and still do
Posted: 13 Nov 2021 21:27 [ permalink ]
Dagnarille tells you 'going to check out this beaver's hole, wish us luck!'
Posted: 11 Jan 2021 20:50 [ permalink ]
[20:39]:Blayke {politics}: we need you to organize quickly because we are
gonna need help rounding up and executing all these crazy conservatives
Posted: 21 Dec 2020 11:36 [ permalink ]
Freud says 'We don't do such perversions here.'
You hiss 'i want to be helicopter.'

Posted: 09 Nov 2020 16:55 [ permalink ]
[16:31]:Blayke (politics): lol, rabo the 5 stages of grief are  denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, acceptance. ... looks like youre at stage 2 buddy!
Posted: 30 Oct 2020 17:07 [ permalink ]
[16:06]:Osku (politics): I wish you all Americans would understand that it's
not the immigrants who oppress you or take your jobs, it's your own very
homegrown American elite.
Posted: 14 Jul 2020 21:21 [ permalink ]
Gore <politics>: if that would be the logic, more European countries should be
buying Russian weapons.
Posted: 03 Jun 2020 23:32 [ permalink ]
"Joskus täytyy sydän jäätää huurteeseen."
Posted: 29 May 2020 22:30 [ permalink ]
Arafon [wanted]: summon dd roth
Info: Blayke left the game.
Posted: 21 May 2020 19:36 [ permalink ]
"? Verbaliikalla tarkoitetaan puhetaitoa, sanojen käytön taitoa. Käräjäoikeus
toteaa, ettei ?? kirjoitustyyli ole verbaliikkaa, vaan ilkeyttä ja rumia
sanoja tai sanontoja. ?? Kirjoitustyyli ei ole hänen väittämänsä tavoin
rahvaanomaista, vaan asianomistajia kohtaan todella halventavaa, tuomioistuin
Posted: 09 May 2020 20:27 [ permalink ]
Wannabezeke arrives from northeast.
a brass street lamp flickers.
Posted: 03 May 2020 01:49 [ permalink ]
"I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!"
Posted: 13 Dec 2019 13:15 [ permalink ]
[13:11]:Ulath <ee+>: Täytyy kyllä tunnustaa etten tiedä UK:n rahaliikenteestä
EU:n suuntaan tarpeeksi että voisin olla oikein mitään mieltä. Tuntuu kun
keskustelua seuraa ettei tiedä kukaan muukaan mitkä on nettovaikutukset
suuntaan tai toiseen.
Posted: 01 Dec 2019 20:04 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'kerran käytiin vitsillä dtm, heti tuli jotain papparaisia
puristelee pyllystä'
Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:13 [ permalink ]
[03:12]:Kohothegreat {politics}: are russian forces inside ukraine territory
or russian territory?

[03:13]:Durand <politics>: it seems to be russian terrority now. (but just so
you dont quote me out of context, i do not agree it should be
Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:56 [ permalink ]
Durand <politics>: it depends if you mean we should do what russia wants or if
we should take russian position into account.
Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:18 [ permalink ]
"Several Democrats have stopped using the term "quid pro quo," instead
describing "bribery" as a more direct summation of Trump?s alleged conduct.

The shift came after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee conducted
focus groups in key House battlegrounds in recent weeks, testing messages
related to impeachment. Among the questions put to participants was whether
"quid pro quo," "extortion" or "bribery" was a more compelling description of
Trump?s conduct. According to two people familiar with the results, which
circulated among Democrats this week, the focus groups found "bribery" to be
most damning. "

Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:04 [ permalink ]
"If it glows in the dark, shift out of park."
Posted: 12 Sep 2019 20:03 [ permalink ]
You add 'an extravagant, runed finger guard of the Greatwyrm' to the 'hpr'
Posted: 27 Aug 2019 16:39 [ permalink ]
"Macron cannot even avoid a predictable fire in a church that is part of the
world's heritage, and he wants to give us lessons for our country?"
Posted: 13 Aug 2019 15:59 [ permalink ]
Bartok unfolds and reads a scroll.
Bartok hesitates as she casts youth.
Bartok shivers for a LONG moment in pain.
Bartok dies of old age!
Bartok leaves away.
Posted: 28 Jul 2019 16:56 [ permalink ]
"Under communism, every man has what he needs. That's why the butcher puts a
sign up that says 'nobody needs meat today'"
Posted: 12 Mar 2019 19:57 [ permalink ]
"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of
Posted: 16 Jan 2019 03:33 [ permalink ]
"an op is a living thing, once you launch, op has life of it own"
Posted: 28 Dec 2018 17:13 [ permalink ]
"A wealthy man is one who earns $100 a year more than his wife's sister's
Posted: 20 Nov 2018 19:38 [ permalink ]
The arrow strikes wood and steel scarecrow covered with lights and wires with
a hefty thunk.
Suddenly target dummy smolders into blackened soot.
Posted: 28 Sep 2018 18:26 [ permalink ]
"I believe Kavanaugh when it is pointed out that he is being victimized by the
Posted: 06 Aug 2018 17:48 [ permalink ]
[17:46]:Shar (darkness+): no perskatti, loppui rahat kesken
[17:46]:Shar (darkness+): transfer 100k?!
Posted: 21 Jun 2018 15:02 [ permalink ]
"Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our
ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to
that arrogant oligarchy who merely happen to be walking around."
Posted: 14 Jun 2018 00:13 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'toi ranger bird kyllä ehkä vittumaisinta tässä pelissä heti
anatean ja mersucart emotejen jälkeen'
Posted: 10 Jun 2018 19:59 [ permalink ]
"You are not big guy and not any postmodern rationalization will change that"
Posted: 08 Jun 2018 02:39 [ permalink ]
"It's not Marks fault that he lied, he was just programmed to lie"

Posted: 22 Mar 2018 18:54 [ permalink ]
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an
atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you"

Posted: 10 Mar 2018 11:20 [ permalink ]
"Clean your room and look her square in the eye, bucko."
Posted: 08 Mar 2018 20:34 [ permalink ]
"You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your
art of war."
Posted: 07 Mar 2018 22:29 [ permalink ]
Awed (wanted): who owns lolikon ship?
Awed (wanted): got, thanks
Kohothegreat {wanted}: who owns hms weaboo
XXX tells you 'voteen anateaa!'
Posted: 23 Jan 2018 21:40 [ permalink ]
[21:38]:Exeunt [wanted]: broetchen
[21:38]:Exeunt [wanted]: jesus chris I suck
Posted: 19 Dec 2017 02:19 [ permalink ]
"You can't stroke yourself into toughness, ya know"
Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:41 [ permalink ]
Paparazzo says 'So, does this sound like something you would be interested in
partaking in? '   
You hiss 'no.'
Paparazzo says 'Ah, too bad, perhaps another time then? '    
You hiss 'yes.'
Paparazzo hands to you camera and album.
Posted: 29 Nov 2017 14:47 [ permalink ]
Xxx tells you ' ' (Wed
Nov 29 12:29:11 2017)
Xxx tells you 'jotai japanilaista furryä' (Wed Nov 29 12:29:21 2017)
Xxx tells you 'jaa se onki jotai gay furryä' (Wed Nov 29 12:36:13 2017)
Xxx tells you 'ihme et on steamissa' (Wed Nov 29 12:36:35 2017)
Posted: 23 Nov 2017 21:19 [ permalink ]
"You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's
Posted: 18 Nov 2017 21:34 [ permalink ]
"Justice has a price. That price is freedom."
Posted: 15 Nov 2017 20:06 [ permalink ]
Lmt [ee+]: Pakko olla joku syy siihen että kaikki vihaa sitä täällä, mullakin
on vihamieheni mutta on mulla pari kaveriakin ja suurin osa on neutraali mun
Posted: 12 Oct 2017 23:44 [ permalink ]
Sriel @icesus [ifin]: joka ilta kun lamppu sammuu, ja saapu sininen yö, hyvää
yötä hikiset mudarit
Posted: 11 Oct 2017 20:06 [ permalink ]
Pontius tells you 'Maakin oon sattunu vaan valtteleen spammeja kun oon
huomannu etta event, eli oot turhaan vittuillu ja odotan sita anteekspyyntoo'
Posted: 23 Sep 2017 00:38 [ permalink ]
Broetchen {wanted}: a wiz to fix me before whole game breaks
Posted: 03 Sep 2017 20:08 [ permalink ]
[19:55]:Acidia <suomi>: kyllä sillon BBS-aikoihin titsei ja pimpsoi sai, tosin
modeemin välityksellä oli vähä hidasta
Posted: 30 Aug 2017 20:33 [ permalink ]
"You must show that the public interest sought is a significant one"
Posted: 01 Jul 2017 13:59 [ permalink ]
"Helmikuussa alkaneeseen otsan turvotukseen ei ole löytynyt mitään selitystä
tutkimuksista huolimatta."
Posted: 29 Jun 2017 22:43 [ permalink ]
"Democracy may die in the darkness, but the Washington Post will die in the
Posted: 26 Jun 2017 07:05 [ permalink ]
"Sometimes people go to fight the dragon, but it just eats them"
Posted: 26 May 2017 19:52 [ permalink ]
[18:04]:Eronk (suomi): ite panisin kyl mieluummi lehmää ku sikaa jos pitäis
Posted: 17 Apr 2017 21:41 [ permalink ]
[21:40]:Hiekkis (ee+): Hei mää oon aikuinen mies, mää en sekoo jostain
Posted: 09 Apr 2017 17:33 [ permalink ]
SIVARI OUU [kabula+]: Tosin uus kone niin voi olla että se batclient sitten
siinä on salamannopeaa
Posted: 08 Mar 2017 16:10 [ permalink ]
Costea the dwarf woman
Posted: 27 Feb 2017 22:36 [ permalink ]
Shinarae <politics>: the government is not a protected group. there is no such
thing as a hate crime against a non-protected group.
Shinarae <politics>: attacks on the government often have their own laws
Posted: 20 Feb 2017 22:24 [ permalink ]
(22:23) Erygon booms 'miltäs nyt tuntuu ku psiit ampuu nuolia.'
(22:23) Erygon booms 'kohta varmaa annetaan torch questit jollekin
Posted: 14 Feb 2017 19:04 [ permalink ]
Satan shouts 'Miksa is in a much warmer place now!'
Posted: 13 Feb 2017 18:55 [ permalink ]
[18:53]:Slarbababa (ee+): tänään olemme keyajojen lomassa taikoneet 56
feastia. questin kanssa olisi mennyt 112 rounds vähemmän! 3 sekuntia per round
niin sehän tekee jo 5,6 minuuttia
Posted: 03 Feb 2017 18:00 [ permalink ]
"Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight"

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 13:50 [ permalink ]
Durand tells you '..mutta cnn ei voi vaatia toista todistamaan
Posted: 11 Jan 2017 15:51 [ permalink ]
[15:35]:Gore <politics>: a president-elect who enjoys golden showers in
Moscow... the next 4 years should prove interesting :)
Posted: 08 Jan 2017 19:05 [ permalink ]
"You cannot see the future with tears in your eyes."
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 20:44 [ permalink ]
*Voronoi vibrates noisily.
Voronoi lets out a real rip-roarer.
A vortex opens up briefly, and Droolah comes tumbling out!
Posted: 04 Dec 2016 11:51 [ permalink ]
"By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get
a bad one, you'll become a philosopher."
Posted: 01 Dec 2016 14:33 [ permalink ]
Took [newbie]: is there a way to remove all except hat
Eronk (newbie): remove all except hat
Took [newbie]: brillian!
Posted: 20 Nov 2016 20:02 [ permalink ]
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
Posted: 11 Nov 2016 15:52 [ permalink ]
Shinarae <ranger>: I've found that BatMUD skills/spells improve quadratically,
namely, 95% both is better than 90% one 100% other.
Posted: 06 Nov 2016 17:06 [ permalink ]
Broetchen rubs Fat ruler and utters with sinister voice 'sanctus Exzordus'
Broetchen's Fat ruler pulsates with sheer power as Broetchen is surrounded by
protective holy aura.
Julio looks very horny.
Posted: 05 Nov 2016 00:15 [ permalink ]
[00:12]:Conquer {bat}: if anyone wants to bet on hilary winning, ill bet on
Posted: 24 Sep 2016 20:04 [ permalink ]
Info: Zumbalo enters the game.

Moerkoe [suomi]: LAHE MENEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 16 Sep 2016 22:52 [ permalink ]
You watch in sheer amazement as a horn grows out of Lammas's body.
damn goats
Posted: 11 Sep 2016 06:24 [ permalink ]
Ens clasps his hands together with the palms facing out and shouts HADOKEN.
a hungover moomin turns into a pile of dust.
A hungover moomin removes an iron war mattock from its .
Posted: 27 Aug 2016 23:02 [ permalink ]
[21:31]:Xunisiih (suomi): positiivisen ajattelun ihmiset o siitä lutusia, et
yleensä niiden mailman kuva hajoaa jos joku ajattelee negatiivisesti, niin
aika heikosti rakenneltu henkinen konstruktio, oma pessimismi kestää vaikka 
miss universumin joka ottaa poskeen et tuoki saatana näyttää muutaman kymmenen
vuoden  päästä iha rupsahtaneelta
Posted: 31 Jul 2016 19:24 [ permalink ]
Blayke {nightlife+}: i am quite serious about this being a public channel and
ss, open to everyone, and you need to be a) polite, b) dont troll, and c)
speak english
Posted: 29 Jul 2016 01:41 [ permalink ]
"I was bruised and battered, I couldn't tell what I felt.
I was unrecognizable to myself.
I saw my reflection in a window, I didn't know my own face.
Oh brother are you gonna leave me wastin' away
On the Streets of Philadelphia."
Posted: 16 Jul 2016 02:06 [ permalink ]
[01:55]:Gore <politics>: my bet is on the coup failing. Seems to lack enough
Posted: 15 Jul 2016 22:07 [ permalink ]
[21:58]:Lammas {bat}: there are no benefits to oldbie :/

[21:58]:Grizzt <bat>: Again, it is in YOUR hands...

[21:58]:Grizzt <bat>: The benefits are new players, new blood to the war
machine, so to speak.

[21:59]:Lammas {bat}: u probably havent noticed but most players are quite
power hungry

[21:59]:Pagar (bat): lammas at least you can yell to the new people "get off
my lawn"

Posted: 24 Jun 2016 07:22 [ permalink ]
This is something you ought to know: each time we have to choose between
Europe and the open sea, we shall always choose the open sea.
--Winston Churchill
Posted: 15 May 2016 17:13 [ permalink ]
Blayke {nightlife+}: this pork butt is not gonna roast itself
Posted: 13 May 2016 06:00 [ permalink ]
Taival lie hankala? Olkoon vaan!
Luonto lie kitsas? Siis kilpaillaan!
Kolkassa synkeän syntymämaan
pirttimme piilköhöt paikoillaan.
Vainojen virmat? Oi vaietkaat!
Rapparit, ryöstäjät? kaijotkaat!
Miekkaa ei tarvis tarmoa vaan
puolesta hengen ja heimon ja maan!
Posted: 13 May 2016 03:03 [ permalink ]
"Now tell me, what does that mean to be noble? Your title gives you claim to
the throne of our country, but men don't follow titles, they follow courage.
Now our people know you. Noble, and common, they respect you. And if you would
just lead them to freedom, they'd follow you. And so would I"
Posted: 14 Apr 2016 20:30 [ permalink ]
"That's because they're weak, ineffective people. They want to be politically
correct. I don't want to be politically correct. I want to be correct."

Posted: 05 Mar 2016 23:52 [ permalink ]
"Oh shut up, silly woman," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in"
Posted: 06 Jan 2016 01:03 [ permalink ]
[06:22]:Harmi [ranger]: torch creation quest should show progress bit more
[06:25]:Harmi [ranger]: oh theres no torch creation quest anymore :D
Posted: 24 Dec 2015 19:35 [ permalink ]
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Ei expata saa, ei equttaa saa,
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: joku voi tulla tunemaan.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Nyt nimien kirjaan merkitään taas:
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: botti vai ei, ajatelkaas!
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Taas pienet mortit juoksee
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: ja botit hajoilee,
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: niin Arkkiwizzu tietää saa,
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: kuka NUKEt ansaitsee.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Siis... Ei expata saa, ei equttaa saa,
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: idlaus on paljon mukavampaa.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Ken tunet nuo saa,
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: ken NUKEt nuo saa?
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Monta on pientä odottajaa.
[18:58]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Hän fixit hienot bugeihin luo,
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: ja niillä paskat featuret tuo.
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Ja kohta luona eq-mosan
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: taas mortit hajoilee,
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: kaikki ranteet aukaistaan
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: ja arkin nauru soi.
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Siis... Ei expata saa, ei equttaa saa,
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: idlaus on paljon mukavampaa.
[18:59]:[ifin]: Cyra@sumu laulaa: Arkkiwizzu matkaan jo käy.
Posted: 19 Dec 2015 21:35 [ permalink ]
Oi Luoja suuri, päivän suo jo koittaa,
Hälvennä huoli, min vallas' on maa,
Suo aamun auringon yön kauhut voittaa, Tyynnytä myrsky mi raivoaa,
Antaos Suomelle Sun armosi vaan,
Suo elo rauhaisa ja onnea!
Oi Luoja suuri, kansasi suo luottaa
johtosi huoltoon, turvaan ainoaan,
Suo voimaa armahtaa ja lohtu tuottaa,
Uljuutta anna, kun taistellaan,
Oikeus kirkasta ja veljeys suo,
Sä elo rauhan ja onnen tuo!

Posted: 06 Dec 2015 22:17 [ permalink ]
Living touches its talisman and whispers 'mi casa es su casa'
Living reaches out and lays its hands on its mount. Living looks energized and
the mount looks a bit drained.
Posted: 06 Dec 2015 21:48 [ permalink ]
Heretic {party}: Ghost of Dick whispers: 'Yes, rest mortal, I'll guard your
Posted: 07 Nov 2015 20:58 [ permalink ]
Perfect shot!

Geralt staggers backwards as red-fletched shortbow arrow labeled as kphys
*TEARS* through his body, nearly coming out the other side!

You see from the wound your shot did almost no physical damage.
Posted: 07 Nov 2015 14:12 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.

You push Geralt with a bone crushing sound.
Posted: 07 Nov 2015 13:59 [ permalink ]
As Anadir casts the spell, she pulls out a handful of olivine powder which
bursts into a million prismatic starbursts.

Anadir grins as her acid blast hits Someone.

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 15:57 [ permalink ]
Larppa (party): vetelisi varulta plv ettei löydä itseään kitiltä
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 22:54 [ permalink ]
Angry starts a small fire.
Angry bellows 'Hoooooom! BARUM!'
She calms down as she notices Angry.
Posted: 02 Oct 2015 02:32 [ permalink ]
XXX tells Larppa and you 'mä muistan vieläki missä arealla törmäsin larppaan
ekan kerran nubuna ja olin ns paskat housussa ku sellanen haippa tulee ja
huutaa jotai CAPSEILLA'
Posted: 26 Sep 2015 22:37 [ permalink ]
[22:36]:Skazz [chat]: a boy asks his dad what the difference between a pussy
and cunt is. the dad gets a nudie mag, finds a naked woman, circles her pussy
and says "everything inside the circle is a pussy, everything outside is a
Posted: 26 Sep 2015 21:58 [ permalink ]
[21:45]:Broetchen {wanted}: Batmud Season II
[21:46]:Daerid {wanted}: bah, I have 104 cavaliers in holz and 500+
gaward/black knight :p
[21:48]:Toper [wanted]: exp/rep for hitter
[21:48]:Kohothegreat {wanted}: batmud season I rerun
Broetchen {wanted}: and look i removed your ignore, how dandy?
xxx tells you 'mikas se sellanen rerun!'
{wanted}: Kohothegreat cheers and shouts 'WOOOOOOOOOO!'.
You tell xxx (fighting) 'uusinta'
You tell xxx 'än äs ylen matlock uusinnat'
Kohothegreat {wanted}: and how is exactly different from yle matlock reruns,
even with current system you grind same areas again and again 8)
Kohothegreat {wanted}: but for disabling boons i agree with you, but sadly i
doubt that is going to happen 8)
xxx tells you 'jaha, clearasin ignoret nii paljastui kupletin juoni ,)'
Posted: 23 Sep 2015 05:32 [ permalink ]
I try to send a message to God
His phone don't take text
I need a new plan
A crook with knowledge
Times is hard homie
Posted: 20 Sep 2015 22:12 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'ee mut ei jaksanukaa libee ku sil olis tarvinnu tehdä juttui'
Posted: 10 Jun 2015 23:45 [ permalink ]
Naamafanta tells you 'meikän iq on kuitenkin mensa tasoa :D'
Posted: 13 May 2015 00:19 [ permalink ]
[00:18]:Sancran {hockey}: Mitä yhteistä on Venäjällä ja Germanwingssillä?
[00:18]:Sancran {hockey}: molemmat pysähtyivät Rinteeseen...
Posted: 08 May 2015 20:24 [ permalink ]
xxx (ee+): "Hahaaa!!! Räsänen oppositioon, nyt alko poijjat juhlat" tuumasi
joku pasividsien kommenteissa, kun jeesusväen määrä hallituksessa

Posted: 04 May 2015 19:54 [ permalink ]
Cream tries to bless Boner, quickly pulls their hand back.
Posted: 25 Apr 2015 01:48 [ permalink ]
Heretic {party}: darkwoodissa oli se old ranger joku kohon esikuva, kuiskaili
vaa että I know a way mut ku kysyit jotai nii se ignoras vaa
Posted: 16 Apr 2015 16:53 [ permalink ]
Hiekkis [ee+]: Nyt kun päivän fäpits-hommat on hoideltu niin syömme ja alamme

Posted: 14 Apr 2015 09:56 [ permalink ]
[09:37]:Broetchen (bat): 18 years down... half a life, time to take control of
my life, see you in this life or the next,  thanks admistration and players...
had a blast

Posted: 07 Apr 2015 14:20 [ permalink ]
?ino <ee+>: Ainiin, unohdinkin laittaa aiemmin: Sunnuntaina täräytin ns.
mustat mustikat
?ino <ee+>: Eli pääsin larppakerhoon
?ino <ee+>: Ruskea oli vähättelyä
Posted: 06 Apr 2015 22:31 [ permalink ]
A little bird lands on your shoulder and tweets to your ear 'To get an
interestingly complicated world, it is vitally 
 important that shit happens.' and flies away.  A peculiar smell reaches your
nostrils soon after.

Posted: 02 Apr 2015 01:40 [ permalink ]
(01:33) Jkk tells Erygon and you 'pitäs kyl jatkaa exploree elitessä'
(01:33) Jkk tells Erygon and you 'to baldly go where no one has gone before'

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 23:14 [ permalink ]
Xunisiih tells you 'mutta otas toho kätee ja käy sulattelee posliiniä :D'
Posted: 27 Mar 2015 22:05 [ permalink ]
xxx tells yyy and you 'onks tää astonishing gizmo joku perseen suristin?'
xxx tells yyy and you 'You turn on the astonishing Gizmo! It says:
Posted: 17 Feb 2015 21:39 [ permalink ]
Erygon (cards-): The odour that Pussv emits is disgusting.
Posted: 07 Feb 2015 15:37 [ permalink ]
Akiriuma [wanted]: sum to safety on luce
Broetchen (wanted): just jump pool
Ghost of Akiriuma [ghost]: well that killed me... thanks
Broetchen (ghost): oh you had <50hp ?
Broetchen (ghost): it did some damage but not much, shoulda said :(
Ghost of Akiriuma [ghost]: well yea.. why i asked for sum :P
Broetchen (ghost): well, it's not stupid to make a mistake, if you don't
repeat it ! :P

Posted: 19 Jan 2015 02:37 [ permalink ]
SYÖPÄLÄINEN #1 (ee+): tonto voisi suositella sitä youth

Posted: 17 Jan 2015 00:49 [ permalink ]
Larppa tries to take big rusty key, but fails.
Larppa booms '8O.'
Larppa booms 'KEYS.'

Posted: 03 Jan 2015 10:42 [ permalink ]
But you do not have hands, because you are a lizardman.
Posted: 23 Dec 2014 22:35 [ permalink ]
[22:35]:Uncle Touho [junk+]: elä nyt, meikä voi kuule vaikka opettaa perus
metsurin hommat eikä sun edes tarvitse maksaa koulutuksesta
Posted: 22 Dec 2014 00:41 [ permalink ]
(00:38) xxx tells Erygon and you 'vitoselta tulee joku Nana'
(00:39) You tell Erygon (idle 7min and 39s) and xxx 'kasaripornoa'
(00:39) xxx tells Erygon and you 'jea'
(00:39) xxx tells Erygon and you 'neverheard mut vois noin niiku sivistyksen
kannalta kattoa'
Posted: 15 Dec 2014 23:52 [ permalink ]
|  2   100K       Tell zerks söin just +13 wis leivä :P [Made by: Pasigula] ..
|                 as 6con1dam                                                 

Posted: 05 Dec 2014 12:49 [ permalink ]
(12:06) Tribune tells you 'näin viime yönä unta että kävit vetää challenge
rankkukillalla ja olit vaan 12% nykysestä  liidusta...xD'
Posted: 02 Dec 2014 13:48 [ permalink ]
Gnome says 'You don't know where you are? Well, I'll tell you. This is your
brain. I'm the director of the brain gnomes and 
 we are in charge of keeping your brain operations working...sort of. Your
brain isn't exactly that complicated. I don't 
 know how you got here, but since you are here, you can do what you want in
here. The other brain gnomes don't respect me 
 anyway. All they want is entertainment when I would like to make this brain

Posted: 29 Nov 2014 20:56 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
Zerks is in the 'bizarre' category of targets.
Posted: 19 Nov 2014 00:48 [ permalink ]
You ask Sea captain about sea.
Sea captain says 'Sorry, landlubber, I don't know about that.'  
Posted: 18 Nov 2014 20:37 [ permalink ]
Ikrun says 'Let's talk later when your experience spent in skills and spells
exceeds 1041301562. I don't think you're quite experienced yet.'
Posted: 14 Nov 2014 18:54 [ permalink ]
You start concentrating on the skill.
You perform mouth to mouth on Hans Dandruff.
You are prepared to do the skill.
Using the first bandage in your inventory.
You start treating Merchant.
You wrap Merchant in bandages.
Hans Dandruff exclaims 'Oh that really hit the spot!'   
Posted: 11 Nov 2014 21:34 [ permalink ]
Lesta [ee+]: Ja toisekseen, varmaan käytetään oikeen kokosia/tyyppisiä
Posted: 11 Nov 2014 03:40 [ permalink ]
Info: Xunisiih is killed by Porkzar.
Info: Xunisiih dies.
The blood red demon shouts 'THE BLOOD BATH HAS ENDED.'
The demon tells you 'Thank you for participating in the Blood Bath.'
The demon tells you 'I'll grant you 50000 experience for your kills.'
The blood red demon shouts 'And the highest score was made by Xunisiih!'
The blood red demon shouts 'You must be alive and in the game at the end!'
The blood red demon shouts 'The winner is Kohothegreat!'
The demon tells you 'Congratulations. You have the highest score of the
 living players that are logged on. You feel more experienced.
 As a reward, I'll give you this potion.'
You have the 'Killer'-rank available until the next Blood Bath.
Peace and order is restored to the world. Stop fighting each other.
Posted: 02 Nov 2014 21:28 [ permalink ]
Info: Zerks is now  0.
Posted: 23 Oct 2014 13:47 [ permalink ]
Calada proudly shows his Kerbholz to everyone.
Your Kerbholz has the following enemies marks:
1   BelFrost the mage egam eht tsorFleB  <GiantKillers>        #1    
2   A very sweaty foreman is shuffling some papers             #1    
3   Mitten the Dwarf is looking for some great XP  <GiantKill  #3    
4   Murgo the priest needs a new chest for his castle  <Giant  #1 
Posted: 18 Oct 2014 21:09 [ permalink ]
[21:04]:Gore <suomi>: nooh, ensi vaalien jälkeen sekin voi tulla
ajankohtaiseksi kun suomessa on kesk+kok+rkp+kd hallitus.
[21:04]:Kohothegreat [suomi]: unohdit sdp ja vasurit
[21:04]:Gore <suomi>: ei niitä oteta hallitukseen ensi vaalien jälkeen
[21:05]:Gore <suomi>: jos ei tapahdu jotain radikaalia muutosta puolueiden
suosiossa niin toi on seuraava hallitussetuppi. Mark my words.
Posted: 04 Oct 2014 19:29 [ permalink ]
[19:26]:Gumba [newbie]: was there a bank robbery event or something today?
[19:27]:Gumba [newbie]: in the 2h 32 minutes I've played... I'm at -2k money
:P though I've been killing some cash mobs etc.
[19:27]:Spann [newbie]: on summary?
[19:27]:Gumba [newbie]: yea
[19:28]:Spann [newbie]: I am not sure that works
[19:28]:Gumba [newbie]: I remember paying only for 1 ID today (5k)
[19:28]:Gumba [newbie]: +few ship travels
Posted: 28 Sep 2014 19:53 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you '--__-- gonna sound wrong but game won't let me pet certain 
 parts of you'
Posted: 17 Sep 2014 12:31 [ permalink ]
[12:30]:Broetchen {wanted}: sorry im just grumpy for having a cast on my right
hand for 4 more weeks :(
[12:30]:Shedevil [wanted]: and running out of cigarettes soon too!
[12:30]:Uki (wanted): that sucks :/
[12:30]:Shedevil [wanted]: imagine how much more grumpy youl be then
[12:30]:Arcanaut (wanted): holy crap broetchen, how many years have you had
that cast?!
[12:30]:Alexer [wanted]: did you get another cast or what?
[12:30]:Kohothegreat [wanted]: 8)
[12:31]:Daerid {wanted}: it's built in ;)

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 01:02 [ permalink ]
Naamafanta tells you 'vaikken tynnyrissä asukkaan, kaikki informaatio ei ole
saapunut opiskelijaboksiini'
Posted: 17 Jul 2014 14:58 [ permalink ]
(14:58) Zas tells you 'mikässe komento oli pcityjen tuloille'
(14:58) Zas tells you 'eio hauskaa ettiä itte'
Posted: 16 Jul 2014 18:36 [ permalink ]
Gore <suomi>: ei korvavaloja tarvita kun alexander stubbin piristävä hymy
pitää suomalaisten kaamosmasennuksen loitolla.

Posted: 16 Jul 2014 15:22 [ permalink ]
(15:21) Zas tells you 'mut eikse olisi tuota hauskempaa löytää se tieto itse'
(15:22) Zas tells you '":D"'
(15:22) Zas tells you 'nyt kadun tuota jos joskus kysyn syntaxia'

Posted: 26 May 2014 15:55 [ permalink ]
Shar attempts to enter the portal but is repelled.
Shar groans loudly.
Shar (sales): moonrind bow 25m
Shar mentally contacts you 'rahat loppu! ei pääse ees portalista.'
Posted: 22 Apr 2014 00:25 [ permalink ]
[00:25]:Serge [bat]: and grate solo guild is?
[00:25]:Blayke {bat}: ranger
Posted: 13 Apr 2014 20:00 [ permalink ]
[19:51]:(ee+): El ahola pelastui aarteineen
[19:52]:El (ee+): kismittihän tuo ajatuskin jo että työllä raiskatut aarteet
hukkuisi mereen

Posted: 12 Apr 2014 23:20 [ permalink ]
(23:06) Xunisiih tells you 'You are not in the top 1000 players.'
Posted: 06 Apr 2014 01:18 [ permalink ]
Congratulations! You have just completed Ferry!
You receive 2460 gold as a reward for completing the quest.
You receive 2 training points.
Posted: 03 Apr 2014 03:50 [ permalink ]
Sai <bat>: You eat Kohothegreat's balls.
Posted: 01 Apr 2014 01:38 [ permalink ]
[01:38]:Vesku {ee+}: olipasse hyvä eventtibossi
[01:38]:Larppa (ee+): eventkö on nyt päättynyt
[01:38]:{ee+}: Kohothegreat points at her own Haluatko puhua siitä? :)(:.
[01:38]:Vesku {ee+}: fumblas ihtesä black holella pois
Info: Working as intended.

Posted: 28 Mar 2014 22:52 [ permalink ]
Ribalexd tells you 'Kaikkein parastahan tässä oli että olin juuri FÄP ja just
kun aloin laukeen trigut alko huutaan eventtiä :D Kannatti pilata sekin

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 10:43 [ permalink ]
Khunnymous [ee+]: Poltan kumminkin aika paljon ja sitten kun lopettaa yhtäkkiä
niin voi olla että jopa minulla, rautahermolla, on tiukkaa

Posted: 20 Feb 2014 01:45 [ permalink ]
Larppa tells you 'oli sellainen VIRHE LIIKE kirjoittaa googleen hakusanaksi
bada bastu'

Posted: 05 Jan 2014 23:08 [ permalink ]
xxx tells yyy and you 'Siis lähinnä siitäki sitä, että kaikilla neepoilla
tuntuu oleva torspat!'
Posted: 05 Jan 2014 22:23 [ permalink ]
The leader's gonna make you party
Preventing you from departing
The leader is the party
The party is the leader's mind
Posted: 26 Dec 2013 18:35 [ permalink ]
I also stood in Satan's bosom & beheld its desolatons:
A ruin'd Man, a ruin'd building of God not made with hands;
Its plains of burning sand, its mountains of marble terrible;
Its pits & declivities flowing with molten ore & fountains
Of pitch & nitre; its ruin'd palaces & cities & mighty works;
Its furnaces of affliction, in which his Angels & Emanations
Labour with blacken'd visages among its stupendous ruins,
Arches & pyramids & porches, colonnades & domes,
In which dwells Mystery, Babylon; here is her secret place;
From hence she comes forth on the Churches in delight;
Here is her Cup fill'd with its poisons, in these horrid vales,
And here her scarlet Veil woven in pestilence & war;
Here is Jerusalem bound in chains, in the Dens of Babylon.
Posted: 28 Nov 2013 02:00 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth {party}: ja sit goussia hardisti ni toi dies rulesisti ja me win

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 18:26 [ permalink ]
[18:22]:Larppa (ee+): melko BABYLON-henkinen kaveri tuokin KIIRAN isä.
suomisen tapsa pädissään heitellyt jotain fäpitsjuttuja @twitter, niin kiiran
isä on lähinnä paasannut iltalehteen 
[18:23]:Kahmuli [ee+]: TYÖELÄMÄ > FÄPITS
[18:23]:Tonto (ee+): KORVEN RANE onkin kova jätkä
[18:23]:Kahmuli [ee+]: mietippä LADE, jos pitäisi VALITA menetkö ät TYÖELÄMÄ
vai alatko FÄPITS, niin kumman valitsisit ät
[18:24]:Larppa (ee+): ISÄM MAA lähtee ät nousuun kun lopetetaan ne
SOME-hömpötyxet. t. RANE
[18:24]:Larppa (ee+): no totta nigössä TYÖELÄMÄ
[18:24]:Larppa (ee+): emme _IKKÄÄN_ fäpits
[18:24]:Kahmuli [ee+]: 8O

Posted: 17 Nov 2013 19:59 [ permalink ]
Ewige arrives from southwest.
Ewige exclaims 'fuck you!'
Ewige leaves enter.

inf orbs <3 :)
Posted: 13 Nov 2013 16:46 [ permalink ]
| Time             Killed by                                               |
| 13 Nov - 16:25   A death orb comes flying at you (undead)                |

(16:25) Didan tells you 'onko noi niitä mist saa inf orbei ?'
Posted: 12 Nov 2013 23:22 [ permalink ]
[23:21]:Heretic [party]: woot warhero philosophy noussu
[23:21]:Heretic [party]: 64%
[23:22]:Graxrah [party]: Joojoo mut mut :P
[23:22]:Azgaroth {party}: silläkö pääsee dimdoorista vaik ois rune of warding?

Posted: 12 Nov 2013 14:28 [ permalink ]
Ulath <suomi>: Siitä auctionista tulee itkua ihan joka tapauksessa, pitää
planeerata se niin että ainakin itse voi viihtyä :D

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 15:24 [ permalink ]
Arkki meidän, joka olet datahuoneessa.
Pyhitetty olkoon sinun koodisi.
Tulkoon  sinun pelisisältösi.
Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi,
Myös baarissa niin kuin batissa
Anna meille tänä päivänä
Meidän jokapäiväinen suffelimme.
Ja anna meille meidän väärinkäytökset anteeksi,
niin kuin mekin annamme niille,
joiden tunet ovat meitä vastaan rikkoneet.
Äläkä saata meitä ylituneen,
vaan pidä meidät tunessa.
Sillä sinun on gamelib
ja koodiorja ja debuggeri iankaikkisesti,
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 18:17 [ permalink ]
Pirutar [suomi]: poldi vasta linkkas mulle jonku tissikuvan mis oli pari
alastonta miestäkin, toinen musta ja toinen valkee ja sil valkosel miehel oli
isompi kuin sillä mustal, arvelen 
 että se sen takii sen linkkas eikä niinkään niiden tissien takii, mut en kyl
tiedä varmaks kun ei se sitä kuvaa mitenkään selitelly :D

Posted: 18 Oct 2013 00:35 [ permalink ]
Graxrah seems to notice Kohothegreat through her trance.
Graxrah opens her eyes and stands up flexing her muscles.

[00:33]:Graxrah [party]: The goodness of Kohothegreat disturbs you!
[00:33]:Graxrah [party]: JA vitut sanon mie!
Posted: 05 Oct 2013 23:33 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'mikä tää naamafanta on :D'
xxx tells you 'onko homo'
You tell xxx 'naamis on semmonen kaappihetero'
Posted: 04 Oct 2013 09:58 [ permalink ]
(09:58) Satan shouts 'Burn in hell, Xortoth!'
Posted: 16 Sep 2013 01:24 [ permalink ]
Dreamracer coughs wetly and spits on the ground.
Suddenly, the excavation is flooded!

Posted: 11 Sep 2013 17:21 [ permalink ]
Xortoth tells you 'i was just asking what rangers do, how to put the fires
out! i know how to make them bigger as a barb! but not how to make smaller!'
good old fluffers
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 19:57 [ permalink ]
Kiraffi [darkness+]: ihme hälinä ja mielipaha jostain tyhjänpäivsestä taas :)

Posted: 15 Jul 2013 23:15 [ permalink ]
Ribalexd [ee+]: Laden sissijuustolla ruokkisi kokonaisen kylän afrikassa
Posted: 11 Jul 2013 00:52 [ permalink ]
Cyberman the Helper <newbie>: Best old wiz is Ulath.
Cyberman the Helper <newbie>: He is senile and fluffy.

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:33 [ permalink ]
[01:25]:Zas (ee+): en koskaan käytä :) hymiötä

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 19:40 [ permalink ]
Posted: 18 Apr 2013 21:22 [ permalink ]
Hauhto gives old-fashioned beige dress to Graxrah.
Hauhto is momentarily surrounded by holy aura as she helps out the underdogs.

Posted: 02 Apr 2013 06:45 [ permalink ]
The fire's warmth soothes you.
You feel your will returning to normal.
Hp:-179/-179 -205 

have to love these events!
Posted: 28 Mar 2013 03:55 [ permalink ]
(00:32) Fizzrih shouts 'Blayke bites the dust!'
Posted: 28 Feb 2013 23:16 [ permalink ]
Norrfolk trader exclaims 'Nunnnukha nunnukhaaaaaaaa looolaaaaleeeelooooooooooo!
Posted: 26 Feb 2013 23:51 [ permalink ]
Dredman makes a pitiful attempt to frighten you,
you have seen more frightening MERCHANTS than this one!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 22:49 [ permalink ]
Malar awards Venine 1 points for completing 'JklCon Siivouspalvelut' task.
Posted: 16 Feb 2013 19:22 [ permalink ]
Jkk (party): This arrow is made from a shaft of leather, and seems fairly
Posted: 08 Feb 2013 13:02 [ permalink ]
A little man
This is a fluffy sheep, rambling about the grazing grounds, searching for
fresh grass and hay to eat. It seems to be quite well taken care of and seems
quite happy.
He is in excellent shape
Posted: 29 Jan 2013 22:22 [ permalink ]
Tigra flaps arms and utters the magic words 'cah mar nak semen'
Your marvellous sense of combat prevents your worn mustard pair of pants from
getting scratched.
An icebolt hits you.
That really HURT!
Posted: 17 Jan 2013 18:50 [ permalink ]
Eni says 'Oh, my.. I really dont want to hurt such a cute guy like you
Eni fondles Erygon erotically.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013 16:24 [ permalink ]
(16:16) Jkk tells Erygon and you 'naureskelen täällä itekseni kommentille
millä melkee vastasin tohon mutten mä site kehdannukaa ku kuitenki se olis
jossai sun blogissa sit'
Posted: 12 Jan 2013 17:48 [ permalink ]
[17:46]:Noctur <suomi>: hälp, tajusin just et kauhea aukko yleissivistyksessä
[17:46]:Noctur <suomi>: mitä toi "bareback" meinaa aina gaypornon yhteydessä?
[17:47]:Marrow (suomi): ilman kumia kuulemma
[17:47]:Noctur <suomi>: ai
[17:47]:Marrow (suomi): ainaki googlen mukaan
Posted: 09 Jan 2013 23:13 [ permalink ]
Maraqita spreads her fingers and whispers 'enfuego delmigo'
Maraqita forms an energy link with Zas by putting a hand on his chest.
Zas raises his shield at the last moment infront of Maraqita's drain ally and
partially reflects it back to her.
Posted: 29 Dec 2012 22:31 [ permalink ]
Maraqita looks around on the ground for a suitable resting place and
lies down for a short rest.
Maraqita lies down and begins resting.
Maraqita pulls a fast camp.
Maraqita drops Silver Battlesuit <red glow>.
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 22:09 [ permalink ]
Zyll shouts 'Blayke is asking for a summon, what a moron!'
Posted: 06 Dec 2012 01:18 [ permalink ]
Zas tells Larppa and you 'eese. mistpa moon semisti unalas'
Posted: 13 Nov 2012 23:16 [ permalink ]
[23:12]:GM-Tonto (winter+): because there are no straight priests
[23:12]:Fuser (winter+): wait, miksa is gay?
[23:12]:Superlapa (winter+): that surprises you?
[23:12]:Fuser (winter+): not at all
[23:12]:Miksa (winter+): but, reincing from useful tdruid to gay priest is
like, stoopid
[23:12]:Shimmer [winter+]: i was never useful druid! thats only problem
[23:12]:Fuser (winter+): getting out of mudpits is stupid too
[23:13]:Superlapa (winter+): and mudding in general is like, wise?
[23:13]:Shimmer [winter+]: imo everyone cough up 2m anip so i can buy reinc
pendu then ill be your guyses tarma bitch
[23:13]:Stranger [winter+]: don't see any use of tdruid.... sitting here some
time and no shouts for druid.
[23:13]:Fuser (winter+): batmud is my anti-drug
[23:13]:Superlapa (winter+): batmud is a gateway drug
[23:13]:Miksa (winter+): fuser u copy cat too much to make anything useful in
life so i would just stick my mouth shut if i were u
Posted: 10 Nov 2012 20:56 [ permalink ]
(20:20) Dredman says 'mitä sä sekoilet ploreen itsekseni.'
Posted: 06 Nov 2012 03:49 [ permalink ]
(03:46) Azgaroth tells you 'tonto ol raivonnu kharim-kanavalla ku olin
keyholder ja ld yli 24h, että nyt pitäis asialle jottai tehdä ja ku tulin
peliin ja huomasin asian, pääsin mainitsemaan siun useasti muistuttamaan
liittyvän (en muuten kai muistaiskaan) "lohdutuksen", eli "ei yli 24h ld
oleminen nukkumiseen liittyvällä quit messulla ole juuri mitään. kerran olin 6
kuukautta vessassa."'

(03:46) Azgaroth tells you 'aattelin mainita, koska oot asiasta muistutellu
enemmän kuin pari kertaa!'
Posted: 06 Nov 2012 03:17 [ permalink ]
(03:16) Ghost of Entor tells you 'vauhtia huora'
(03:16) You tell Entor (dead) 'esileikit ensin'
(03:16) Entor tells you 'ai ei se oikeita tellei pistakkaa =D'
(03:16) Entor tells you 'piti menna theresalle!'
Posted: 01 Nov 2012 21:59 [ permalink ]
news display guilds.kharim 29
?araqita [party]: ei jumalauta se on darolin postaus
?araqita [party]: ne on aina pakko lukea kokonaan... ja monesti pariinkin
Posted: 28 Oct 2012 22:01 [ permalink ]
You miss Wardel.
...WHO avoids being stunned with pure willpower.
Posted: 01 Oct 2012 23:28 [ permalink ]
Posted: 17 Sep 2012 20:22 [ permalink ]
[12:45]:Nuane the Helper {newbie}: i would strongly advice against archer,
it's very hard to play as a newbie since you need to have exactly 100% of the
skill hop back (no, 99% isn't enough) in order to be able to shoot from front
row (funnily archers are a front row guild in batmud)

[12:49]:Nuane the Helper {newbie}: (and i personally still don't understand
why does hop back work like it does, but that's for the coder to decide)
Posted: 14 Sep 2012 15:12 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells you 'näitä batin nykytrendejä seuranneena kävin miettimään,
että oisko shakki hauskempi peli jos pitäis tiettyjä siirtoja kuten vaikkapa
tornitusta varten kävellä vastustajan taakse näyttämään salaisia käsimerkkejä
tuomarille, täyttää ristikkolehti ja hölkätä 10km ennen ku voi siirtää'
Posted: 27 Aug 2012 00:27 [ permalink ]
(22:52) Pirutar tells you 'nigaako ät metsässä ravaat etkä mene tietä pitkin
kuten kunnon henkilöt :D''
(00:19) Dakir tells you 'mikäs metsänvartija se täällä juoksentelee pitkin
pöheikköö =)'

(02:51) Entor booms 'ihme ukko =DD.'
(02:51) Entor booms 'keskel mettaa napotat.'

The Legend of the Rangers

Posted: 09 Aug 2012 00:31 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'Thriller, Lord of the Seas <pirate>: Wow, didn't realize there
were that many pirates :D'
Posted: 27 Jul 2012 20:17 [ permalink ]
Retardi tells you 'Nah, tällä kertaa en aio tehä mitään 8D Aina ennen olen
tullut takaisin TYKITTÄMÄÄN, nyt tein charrun että voin ulista multitelleillä
kun ei guestilla voi 8)'
Posted: 17 Jul 2012 21:40 [ permalink ]
(21:22) xxx tells you 'ruleis sellane joka aina logatessa arpois moodin
päälle. ois xunimode, kohomode, blaykemode, lammasmode ja kawasamode ainaki'
(21:22) xxx tells you 'kohomodessa tulis aina telliä ja kanavamessuje perään
'8)', xunimodessa ':D' ja muut modet onki sit aika hienostuneita jo'
(21:23) xxx tells you 'kawasamodeen pitäis kerätä aika kasa fraaseja bäfästä,
kebabista ja mansikoista'
(21:24) xxx tells you 'lammasmode arpois jonku ruudun p protsista ja ku siihe
ilmestyy protti ni juoksis mosalle'
(21:26) xxx tells you 'blaykemodessaha toki katottais et o itellä ainaki kaks
eri prottia ja sit juostais combattii jos o ees melekee maxhp:t'
Posted: 25 Jun 2012 16:34 [ permalink ]
"The dwarves seems to avoid this place"
The entrance to the sulfur mine.
Ore wagons and picks lay in piles all around. Seems like the dwarves has
abandoned there mine. There are the same runes and carvings here as it was at
the big entrance.  The cave ceiling is so high so wonder if the Horsehead
mountain really is enough. You can smell a strong scent of sulfur. 
Black iron gate (closed) leads enter.
Obvious exit is: west.
Arnoldi ParaMore the Duck < tst >
Mouldwall, a huge earth entity pulsating with POWER [Arnoldi]
Goodgulf the Human < tst >
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine
Arou dwarf guarding the entrance to the mine

alrighty then!
Posted: 23 Jun 2012 18:08 [ permalink ]
(18:07) Juo tells you 'tarviks'
(18:07) Juo tells you 'eiku sullaha on nunna'
(18:07) You tell Juo 'aye'
Posted: 16 Jun 2012 20:13 [ permalink ]
[20:09]:Kiimatar [ee+]: yh mun uudes liukkaris on tällanen kierrekorkki eikä
sellainen läppä, jonka saisi ät yhdellä kädellä helposti auki
Posted: 14 Jun 2012 10:31 [ permalink ]
Suddenly a small white pigeon flies in, chirps 'A gift from Azgaroth', drops a
cookie in front of you and flies straight off!

eat cookie
A small delicate cookie is not edible.

break cookie
Keksimies antaa sinulle keksin.
Posted: 29 May 2012 17:35 [ permalink ]
Shedevil [ee+]: öh miksi olen tyttö
Posted: 25 May 2012 22:41 [ permalink ]
[22:37]:Larppa (suomi): miksi perus äs kanavalla mainitun tyylisissä
ONGELMAPELAAMISLANGOISSA aina ikäänkuin HALVEKSITAAN pelaamista... miksei
saavutukset VIRTUAALIMAAILMASSA ole saavutuksia siinä missä muutkin 8D
[22:38]:Larppa (suomi): lotto 8D
Posted: 22 May 2012 21:40 [ permalink ]
[21:36]:Kohothegreat {wanted}: if someone lost salve pack in furn yesterday,
contact miii
(21:36) Blayke tells you 'i did'
(21:37) Blayke tells you 'did you find 5tps too? i seem to have lost those'
(21:37) You tell Blayke '8)'
(21:38) You tell Blayke 'if you were serious about salve pack, general
contents of the pack would rock 8)'
(21:38) Blayke tells you 'yea, it contained a buncha cheater secrets that you
Posted: 17 May 2012 15:43 [ permalink ]
Lesta (ee+): usbiliittimistä PIDÄ EN
Lesta (ee+): kokeilen aina pistää väärinpäin, sitten käännän ja se on vieläkin
väärinpäin, sitten käännän ja se on vieläkin väärinpäin, sitten kokeilen
ajatuksen kanssa ja kokeilen väärinpäin, sitten käännän ja se on vieläkin
Posted: 15 May 2012 01:07 [ permalink ]
Lesta (ee+): ei riitä aika d3... nytkään ei ehdi muuta kuin ajaa keys niin
miten nigössä sovitan jonkun D3 vielä tähän lisäksi
Posted: 06 May 2012 13:46 [ permalink ]
Sosa tells Larppa, Xunisiih, Ulath and you 'En ole mulkku, olen varsin pidetty
ja rakastettu kaveri'
Posted: 17 Apr 2012 00:59 [ permalink ]
[00:57]:Bazil [party]: you cant take sword
[00:57]:Bazil [party]: wonder why
[00:57]:Bazil [party]: epow me?
[00:57]:Ebliss [party]: Epower -> me
Posted: 15 Apr 2012 17:35 [ permalink ]
Bank transfer from Shmuzin of 100000.00 gold: you have won 100k from the
newbie giveaway for being the oldest newbie in the game!
Posted: 11 Mar 2012 01:09 [ permalink ]
Wisu tells you 'Sitä kun ei väki tajua että ei se ole niin helppoa, tässä
pelissä MIKÄÄN ei ole niin yksinkertaista 8)'
Posted: 27 Feb 2012 18:54 [ permalink ]
Naamafanta gives a granite ball with red veins to Zas.
Zas tells you 'You touch the granite ball in all the right places.'
Zas tells you 'It drains your endurance!'
Zas tells you 'The Granite ball transforms.'

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 02:41 [ permalink ]
[02:40]:Larppa (ee+): sose on sellainen mullaatin ja kohon kaltainen NILJAKAS

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 22:33 [ permalink ]
[22:32]:Entor (party): lets wait till shes alone!
[22:32]:Entor (party): then rape

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 16:32 [ permalink ]
Zas thunders mightily 'sinatrasta tulee sellane fiilis jot vois istua roomis
ja runkata.'
Posted: 28 Jan 2012 00:05 [ permalink ]
(00:04) Ottie tells you 'dude i need ur help'
(00:04) You tell Ottie (*bell.if.idle*) 'for what? :)'
(00:04) Ottie tells you 'im too peaceful'

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 23:33 [ permalink ]
Veli Touho {junk+}: auttaa kaikkeen kun työnnetään iso piikki hanuriin,
testattu on

Posted: 07 Jan 2012 03:36 [ permalink ]
Zas tells Larppa and you 'jos sitä hetke viel kävis 4chanis'

Posted: 31 Dec 2011 06:14 [ permalink ]
Ebola tells you 'koho = nerzhul :DDDDD'

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 17:30 [ permalink ]
»Silloin Klingspor saapuu, marski, ylpeä kuin kuningas,
kaks on leukaa, yksi silmä, sydäntä vain puolikas.
Silloin Klingspor saapuu, ottaa arvollansa komennon,
antaa käskyjä kuin Klercker, mutta käskee pakohon.»
Posted: 02 Sep 2011 01:43 [ permalink ]
(01:41) Loska tells you 'no jos et tykkää ees kuvaa näyttää, ni tuskin sillon
saa kiksejä siitä et joku kattelee ku wansk'
(01:42) Loska tells you 'jaaa'
(01:42) Loska tells you 'minnes toi meni :D'
(01:42) You emote to Loska 'eyes you suspiciously.'
(01:42) Loska tells you ':D'
(01:42) Loska tells you 'päivän mistellit'

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 00:25 [ permalink ]
Vlad claps its hands and whispers 'PAF PAF PAF!'
Vlad casts a harming spell on Conquer.
Vlad feeds Conquer with its dark power.

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 20:18 [ permalink ]
Pirutar tells you 'mutta no, varsin mukava viikonloppu oli, en kyllä päässyt
lainaamaan ulatin matoa kun siellä oli liikaa ohjelmaa niin ei ehtinyt

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 01:53 [ permalink ]
[01:51]:Kiisselivati Bin Lade (ee+): sose on semmoinen iljettävä fäpitsijamppa
[01:52]:Kiisselivati Bin Lade (ee+): ulisee aina fäpits-juttujaan
Posted: 21 Jul 2011 18:24 [ permalink ]
(18:23) Azgaroth tells you '"However, if you tell a friend of yours "make a
new character and have him do what I tell you", that is just as much
multiplaying as if you did it yourself."'
(18:24) Azgaroth tells you 'jos toi pätis ykköscharruihinki ni aika moni ois
saanu remeliä :)'

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 18:11 [ permalink ]
Zas tells you 'noku muut tekee secondaryillä jonku niggerin merchantin, ni
soli mun mielestä liia mainstreamiä ni tein primaryl'

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 06:18 [ permalink ]
(06:17) Freld tells you '
(06:17) Freld tells you 'vittu ettois siistii jos meikästäki tulis 99desibelii
ku hinkkaan penistäni mahaa vaste'
(06:17) Freld tells you 'ois aamusi sellaset sinfoniat että naapurustoki

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 23:46 [ permalink ]
Pirutar tells Evilild, Malicat, Akallabeth, Kronos and you 'i dont lead, im a
weak woman'
Pirutar tells Evilild, Malicat, Akallabeth, Kronos and you 'cheap too'

Posted: 23 May 2011 13:47 [ permalink ]
xxx tells you 'noh, noi mun rojut on pääosa jostain nevehööd-partyistä joissa
twidle+ insestitiimi raiskaa mösää ja myy Kawasan kautta rojut eteenpäin :-p
Posted: 16 Apr 2011 04:57 [ permalink ]
(04:56) Nazrix tells you 'There was nazrix bot btw'
(04:56) Nazrix tells you 'which durand made'
(04:56) Nazrix tells you 'that went on when I idle'
(04:56) Nazrix tells you 'to spam to channels/random people'
(04:56) Nazrix tells you 'since apparently I speak like robot'

MITA SE ON!?!?!?!?!?!
Posted: 14 Apr 2011 03:40 [ permalink ]
[03:37]:Kori [wanted]: ....ulath stole my life :D

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 21:30 [ permalink ]
[21:29]:Akallabeth (party): oon pitäny kädessä qurpin torsomakerii. vähänks
oon kova
[21:29]:Akallabeth (party): juu sit se kyl sano et anna ja mä annoin.

Posted: 16 Mar 2011 15:34 [ permalink ]
(15:33) @Consta bonks you on the head.
(15:33) Consta tells you 'nyt on pakko avautua kun typosin eka 'bonk homo'
eikä 'bonk koho''
(15:33) Consta tells you 'ois freudilla asiaa tms.'

Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:27 [ permalink ]
Freld tells Necrobarbie and you 'vaihtoehto o lähtee painaa jotai 40v+ mammaa
töide jälkee ku niit aina norkoo siin 8)'

Posted: 24 Feb 2011 18:57 [ permalink ]
have to love some quote failures:D

(18:53) Consta tells you 'There is a blacksmith in a secluded village who
knows how to 'upgrade kit' into the base item, if tell kohothegreat you
provide a sunstone and a moonstone gem. Getting into the village can be hard,
so you don't tell kohothegreat have to do that part yourself.'
Posted: 29 Jan 2011 14:29 [ permalink ]
(14:27) Darkki tells you 'en oo beastlandia raikannut'

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 10:43 [ permalink ]
(10:41) You tell Tume '
(10:42) Tume tells you 'mitäs tosta?'
(10:42) Tume tells you 'aj vetää muuten vaan kakkoseen'

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 22:26 [ permalink ]
Sbut [wanted]: a new friend, haven´t made in years, dunno why :D

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 19:59 [ permalink ]
[19:51]:RecruitNazri [umg+]: test
[19:52]:{umg+}: Kohothegreat has left the guild.

(19:52) Crx tells you 'lähit vetää umg :D'
(19:53) You tell Crx 'aye!'
(19:57) Crx tells you 'mite pysty tollee lähtee guildista'
(19:57) You tell Crx 'siikret'
(19:57) Crx tells you 'sano ny'

Posted: 18 Nov 2010 02:58 [ permalink ]
[02:53]:Kohothegreat {sales}: salmons mb50k!
(02:54) @Goodgulf eyes you suspiciously.
(02:54) You emote to Goodgulf 'listens carefully to you.'
(02:55) You tell Goodgulf 'lohetko kiinnostaa!?'
(02:55) @Goodgulf smirks at you.
(02:55) Goodgulf tells you 'mut en mä sulle mitää siitä maksa :o'
(02:55) You tell Goodgulf ':('
(02:55) You tell Goodgulf 'pitäähän kalamiehenkin syödä!'
(02:55) Goodgulf tells you 'ennemmin ootan fishin bonanzan vai mikä oli ja
kalastan itekki!'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf 'etkö saa killoista fishingiä vai'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf 'luulin et shina addas gaymastereille'
(02:56) @Goodgulf shakes his head at you.
(02:56) Goodgulf tells you 'ai'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf 'vai olix se huntingi'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf 'jotain se lisäs aikoinaan kuitenkin'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf 'niiq muutama vuos sitten kun olin'
(02:56) Goodgulf tells you 'katoha. ohan se laitettu'
(02:56) You tell Goodgulf '8)'
(02:57) Goodgulf tells you 'no sittehä mä meenki treenaa sitä! :D'
(02:57) You tell Goodgulf 'nohevaa toimintaa'
Posted: 18 Nov 2010 01:02 [ permalink ]
[00:56]:Sbut [ee+]: Toisin kun kohothegreat
[00:56]:Larppa (ee+): kiusataanhan sbuttiakin aina.... ja kohoa.... ja latea
[00:56]:Sbut [ee+]: Sen sais sitoo sänkyyn ja viillellä sitä pienillä
veitsillä kunnes se vuotaa kuiviin
[00:56]:Larppa (ee+): 8D
[00:57]:Kohothegreat {ee+}: sbut tykkää bondagesta
[00:57]:Larppa (ee+): sbut taas hermoaa
[00:57]:Turmio [ee+]: 8D
[00:57]:Luca [ee+]: sbut on taas ihan raivona
[00:57]:Larppa (ee+): ja koho ulisee fäpitsijuttuja joita jorbo ei nää kun
[00:57]:Luca [ee+]: sbut on myötäänsä ihan raivona 8D
[00:57]:Sbut [ee+]: En, haaveilen vain, toiset haluaa lottovoittoa ja toiset
kohon sänkyyn sidottuna 8)
Posted: 03 Oct 2010 02:27 [ permalink ]
jatkoa blog view kohothegreat 42109
(02:23) Dornier tells you 'ryani on mun taustatiimissä, oon tarjonnu sille
lifetime experienssejä kun se kävi suomessa. sain jopa tp's siitä'
Posted: 23 Sep 2010 22:42 [ permalink ]
Lacuna [party(Whale Wars)]: mut voisko joku kertoa et niinku mitä helvettiä te
tapatte tuolla, equ vai exp vai questi vai mikä vittu? semitylsää istua täs ja
kattella ku äijät ottaa damaa ja puhuu jostain huumeista ja perserei-istä
Posted: 18 Sep 2010 17:19 [ permalink ]
Nazrix tells Resin, Nina, Pyggins, Val, Ens, Acidia, Moss, Freld, Tarken and
you 'why must you fucking SPAM ME????? I NEVER fucking spam you'

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 18:51 [ permalink ]
(18:50) Zas tells you 'no siis ei mua disintterit haittaa'
(18:50) Zas tells you 'kuha ei mordenia tarvi ajaa'
(18:50) Zas tells you ':D'
(18:50) You tell Zas ':D'
(18:50) Zas tells you 'en ns pidä siitä'

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 23:26 [ permalink ]
Wight guard frantically waves his hands and yells 'gwwaaajj'
Wight guard fades away, piece by piece.

Posted: 20 Jul 2010 19:12 [ permalink ]
[19:07]:Ahvensurma [junk+]: myys koho mulle kasa nl pongoi
[19:10]:Kohothegreat {junk+}: ne on varattu omanimiharhaan
[19:10]:Ahvensurma [junk+]: :(
[19:10]:Ahvensurma [junk+]: jos tatuoin perseeseen kohothegreat ja annan sulle
Posted: 19 May 2010 22:44 [ permalink ]
Antikiller tells you 'Vittumainen havainto aamulla: olet nähnyt unta
suklaavanukkaan syömisestä. Herätessäsi huomaat, että perseessäsi on

Posted: 02 Apr 2010 21:06 [ permalink ]
Tätimies <ee+>: jännä miten tää kanava on aivan kuin porn+ paitsi että
porn+:lla nää ihan samat asiat tulee ulathilta kuvina ja täällä ne tulee
capseilla tekstinä :D

Posted: 29 Mar 2010 22:59 [ permalink ]
Tarken tells you 'black power?'
Posted: 29 Mar 2010 22:55 [ permalink ]
(22:55) Lyriikka tells you 'black power!
Posted: 28 Mar 2010 19:32 [ permalink ]
[19:30]:Halle (darkness+): pyrin larpan 8) apprenticeksi
[19:30]:Halle (darkness+): sitten kukistan larpan 8) kaksinkamppailussa ja
rupian 8) suurmestariksi
[19:30]:Halle (darkness+): ja sitten te kaikki saatte MAKSAA

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 14:00 [ permalink ]
Kops tells you 'kakkaa lumella kakkaa lumella kakkaa kakkaa kakkaa lumella'

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 00:51 [ permalink ]
(21:11) Zas tells Larppa and you '"Ainoa elämää suurempi pro naisena olossa on
se, että kun paska ei meinaa tulla ulos, ei tartte kuin tunkea sormet ykköseen
ja pursottaa kakkonen tyhjäksi."'
Posted: 03 Mar 2010 13:59 [ permalink ]
(13:57) Jkk tells you 'voi vittu tätä kyl, nyt tiedän miks tää on bat mud'
(13:58) Jkk tells you 'pitää olla lepakon sonari että pystyy liikkuun jos ei
oo infravisionia'
Posted: 18 Feb 2010 12:29 [ permalink ]
(11:47) Evilild tells you '..I just found out geeses will shit blue if you
    feed them red cabbage'

Posted: 06 Feb 2010 03:53 [ permalink ]
(03:46) Dredman tells you 'saa halle tehä musta kunniallisen, en tykkää ku
    huoraksi haukutaan saa luvan erota nazzusta ja naida minut perkele'
(03:52) Dredman tells you 'nojoo alko jo kammottaan ajatus naimisiin menosta
    tyydyn oleen narttu :D'

Posted: 24 Dec 2009 17:57 [ permalink ]
Erygon tells Galdriel, Jkk and you 'A good buddy is a guy that goes and gets
two blow jobs then comes back and gives you one.'
Posted: 16 Dec 2009 17:36 [ permalink ]
Jkk tells you 'It is called rod of channeling and identified as
'blitzern_ikioma_rod_id', 'rod' and 'rod of channeling'.' (Wed Dec 16 16:59:18
Jkk tells you 'nii siitä pelin parhaasta handlesta? :D' (Wed Dec 16 16:59:35

Posted: 10 Dec 2009 19:12 [ permalink ]
[17:04]:Lirputtaja-Larppa (ee+): harjoitin än äs KYSEENALAISTA toimintaa 8)
[17:04]:Lirputtaja-Larppa (ee+): (ei fäpits)

Posted: 06 Jul 2009 18:12 [ permalink ]
You keep thinking that you're really holding hands
Sorry, that's no hand
It's a knock off
Posted: 31 May 2009 21:48 [ permalink ]
(21:44) Ellash tells you 'hmm, tulipa yhtakkia hiljasta'
(21:45) You tell Ellash 'kuis'
(21:45) Ellash tells you 'kun tuol puhuivat etta tylsaa beholla ilman spta kun
ei voi tehda mitaan, niin mina siihen tietty sanoin etta voihan siina tehda
vaikka mita etta esim leikkia peeniksella'
(21:45) Ellash tells you 'ja sen jalkeen ei ole kukaan sanonut mitaan'
Posted: 21 May 2009 00:39 [ permalink ]
Aholan-L (ee+): taidanpa vetää käteen

Posted: 28 Apr 2009 13:56 [ permalink ]
(13:54) Ghost of Calada tells you 'koht must tulee ASMOMIES TJSP!!! :D'
Posted: 28 Apr 2009 12:42 [ permalink ]
Byleth [darkness+]: ainoo mikä koskaa ollu ni syyhypunkki ja sehi tarttu
Posted: 12 Jan 2009 06:31 [ permalink ]
(06:30) @Tume g                                               g
(06:30) @Tume o /     \             \            /    \       o
(06:30) @Tume a|       |             \          |      |      a
(06:30) @Tume t|       `.             |         |       :     t
(06:30) @Tume s`        |             |        \|       |     s
(06:30) @Tume e \       | /       /  \\\   --__ \\       :    e
(06:30) @Tume x  \      \/   _--~~          ~--__| \     |    x
(06:30) @Tume *   \      \_-~                    ~-_\    |    *
(06:30) @Tume g    \_     \        _.--------.______\|   |    g
(06:30) @Tume o      \     \______// _ ___ _ (_(__>  \   |    o
(06:30) @Tume a       \   .  C ___)  ______ (_(____>  |  /    a
(06:30) @Tume t       /\ |   C ____)/      \ (_____>  |_/     t
(06:30) @Tume s      / /\|   C_____)       |  (___>   /  \    s
(06:30) @Tume e     |   (   _C_____)\______/  // _/ /     \   e
(06:30) @Tume x     |    \  |__   \\_________// (__/       |  x
(06:30) @Tume *    | \    \____)   `----   --'             |  *
(06:30) @Tume g    |  \_          ___\       /_          _/ | g
(06:30) @Tume o   |              /    |     |  \            | o
(06:30) @Tume a   |             |    /       \  \           | a
(06:30) @Tume t   |          / /    |         |  \           |t
(06:30) @Tume s   |         / /      \__/\___/    |          |s
(06:30) @Tume e  |           /        |    |       |         |e
(06:30) @Tume x  |          |         |    |       |         |x

Posted: 21 Nov 2008 18:42 [ permalink ]
(18:36) Dornier says 'kohothegreat teh nubu.'
(18:39) You hiss 'dornier teh subbariboy.'
(18:41) Dornier says 'sä et tiedä subbaripojista mitään :D.'
(18:41) Dornier says 'se on mun ja nazrixin juttu.'

Posted: 15 Nov 2008 22:32 [ permalink ]
[22:31]:Air (party): en imuta mitään, mut tää putty ja liukkaat näppäimet on
huono yhdeistelmä
Posted: 03 Apr 2008 15:36 [ permalink ]
Posted: 01 Mar 2008 22:52 [ permalink ]
You are prepared to do the skill.
Realizing there's no hole in the ice, you make one yourself.
You search around for some materials to make some fishing equipment.
After a minute or two you catch a fish! Fighting hard you bring the fish to
    shore.  You have caught a char.
Laaban says 'jos saa kaks charrua nii voiko narahtaa multiplayaamisesta.'

Posted: 20 Feb 2008 20:27 [ permalink ]
The adventurers guild is the most important guild in the city. Here you can
find many of the services required by all BatMUD adventurers. Most importantly
the level training room can be found to the east.
Obvious exits are: n, e, w and d.
Whirling Portal
A large bulletin board hangs from the wall
Daffy arrives from north.
Daffy grunts 'Hi.'
You say 'hello daffyd.'
Daffy grunts 'makin' a portal I see.'
You say 'nah it is normal continent one.'
Daffy asks 'Where does it go?'
You say 'look at it.'
Daffy asks 'Eeep... you can't take your stuff?'
You say 'yep.'
Daffy grunts 'I bet it was created by a perverted old wizard and he has a
wizard eye nearby to watch the naked people jump in and out.'

Posted: 03 Jan 2008 17:37 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells Jerkkis, Mathieu, Ellash and you 'tosin esiin nousee
 filsofinen kysymys: lähteekö wanesta ääni kun itellä on persiljaa
Posted: 25 Dec 2007 00:48 [ permalink ]
(00:47) Acentaja tells you 'en koskaan tee TYHMIÄ päätöksiä päissään :D'
Posted: 16 Nov 2007 18:37 [ permalink ]
Enandor tells you 'älä kuvittele et mun jutuis ois joskus joku pointti'
Posted: 07 Oct 2007 00:40 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells you 'oli kyl vienosti homoeroottista heräillä kahden miehen
 kans samasta sängystä tännnää :)'
Posted: 06 Oct 2007 17:16 [ permalink ]
Teini tells you 'acellakin on sellanen soolo killi että tekis mieli ottaa
 suihin siltä'

Acentaja KABULA is a level 90 elder of the Lich race.
It was created Mon Apr 18 14:53:04 2005 and it is 1y, 5d, 8h, 32min and 34s
It has been on for 25min and 26s, idle 4min and 47s.
It has 3 pieces of unread mail.
It has killed: A Cloak Enshrouded Figure Blocks the.., 201416 exp
               Undead vault guardian (undead), 269003 exp (party of 3)
Posted: 27 Sep 2007 19:08 [ permalink ]
(19:07) Murgan tells you 'pelaan san andreasta ja hakkailen vaan entteriä
tänne, ei
 ehi kaikki tellei näkee'
(19:07) Murgan tells you 'pittää minmaxata irl!'

Posted: 15 Aug 2007 18:10 [ permalink ]
(18:07) Letrebil tells you 'oisko unelma party:'
(18:07) Letrebil tells you 'bauer, graf, torspo, superlapa ja kohothegreat?'

Posted: 09 Jul 2007 11:25 [ permalink ]
Enandor tells you 'ne hermot EI KYRVÄHDÄ ennenku rupee olee ihmishenkiä

Posted: 30 Jun 2007 01:46 [ permalink ]
(01:35) Azgaroth tells you 'HOMMOO! HERRÄÄ!'

Posted: 02 Jun 2007 00:32 [ permalink ]
(00:30) Azgaroth tells Jerkkis and you 'AWOPBOPALOOPOP ALOPBAMBOOM! Äänestä
 anglosaksista apinaa, sillä rintamat ovat liekeissä. Oi Zen: Ken tietää ei
 puhu, ken puhuu ei tiedä! Viva Ivanhoe! Elvis kurtisti rasvaletillään Iken.
 Meneekö meillä hyvin? Kun kuulen sanan kivääri, tartun kultuuriini. Se on
 ROCK. Go Fidel Go! Go Urho Go! Rock iskee! Hautokaa munanne sähköiseksi. On
 aika ihmisen pojan nousta tunkiosta mielen jenkojen myötä ylösnousemuksen
 hillittömään hyökyaaltoon. Tanssi, Rakkaus, Pano! Nämä ainekset ovat vapaat.
 Mykät miehet Mekongin! Elämä on runoutta. Me emme odota. Me tulemme: Hyvät,
 Pahat ja Rumat! Rock on aseemme taistelussa lamaantunutta valkonaamaa vastaan
 joka hikisin kämmenin läpsyttää veristä kirvestään maailman maaseudun yllä.
 Molok! Sinä elät! Juokaamme elämän vettä, suusta suuhun, ystävät! Mitä me
 odotamme? Här har du ditt liv! Hoida hommasi! Kaikki on kaikkea! Ja katso,

(00:30) Azgaroth tells Jerkkis and you 'Oi kaikkivaltias oksentaja, tule
 polttavan sateen lailla linnunradan yksinäisen kaupustelijan kotiin. Räjäytä
 aivon sukkanauhat hirmumenoin. VOODOO JOKA KOTIIN! KOTILIEDEN ON
 VILLIMIEHENSÄ! Palaako Suomi? Se on alkanut kutitta, siitä on päästävä,
 tuumailee Dostojevski-vainaa: hän näytti meille idiootin, siksi kaikki on
 hassua, siksi emme sodi. Eteenpäin Kolumbus, kohti sisäistä Intiaa. Mene
 Tekel! Se Senegal och dö! Tämä on jumalainen näytelmä. Dante rokkaa, elämä on
 tuhlausta. Tule klosetista, sisko. Sika on mennyt. Asiaan! Viva Zapata! Viva
 Tauno Palo! Rock on E Eisensteinin yhtälössä! Rock on sateenkaari, sen
 kaikkinainen alku ja loppu, jatkuva Kleen, viiva, perpäästään räjähtänyt
 dada-pihvisydän. Mascara Käärme on nähty. Plastiikan hinkkaajat, jättäkää
 syöpä ja raskas teollisuus. Voltaire, kuka sinua kuulisi! Rock on sukupuolen
 kuva ihmisen pojan silmässä, korvassa lempeyden 

(00:30) Azgaroth tells Jerkkis and you 'tulee tosta tekstistä arafat mieleen
Posted: 11 Mar 2007 20:21 [ permalink ]
(19:48) Adebisi tells you 'mihin erikoistun'
(19:48) You tell Adebisi 'ihanmihi tykkäät:)'
(19:48) Adebisi tells you 'Peppuseksi ei käy'
Posted: 22 Jul 2006 02:06 [ permalink ]
(02:03) Larppa tells you 'ooxä joku botti ku säoot aina täällä... moon luullu
et moon nolife mut nytki sä jäät tänne ku mä lähen nuqn ja sä oot täällä ku mä
herään ja sä jäät tänne ku mä meen nuqn'

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 01:32 [ permalink ]
(01:28) XXX tells you 'kattelin tota sun blogias yks pv!'
(01:28) XXX tells you 'ja sit hokasin yks yö että et ollukaa pelissä'
(01:28) You tell XXX 'mitä siitä? :)'
(01:29) XXX tells you 'tuo 20166 :)'
(01:29) XXX tells you 'järkytyin!'
Posted: 27 May 2006 18:21 [ permalink ]
(18:20) Lordus tells you 'your one of the frekiest playas i meet here:P'

Posted: 15 Jan 2006 16:31 [ permalink ]
Mathieu tells Jerkkis and you 'oot tääl aamul ku tuun peliin ja oot tääl ku
 lähen pois ja ku tuun joskus nelältä yöllä jostain syystä kattoo ni silloinki
 oot täällä'
Posted: 10 Dec 2005 20:54 [ permalink ]
(20:49) Bone tells you 'ainaki aikasempina vuosina barbikilloilla oli
 jota raiskaamalla sai ilmasta reppaa kerran päivässä... tulee vaan että you
 hump the goat and the goat goes GNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!'
(20:50) Bone tells you 'varsin asiallista meininkiä, ei mitää homoilua, niiku

Posted: 03 Dec 2005 22:09 [ permalink ]
Azgaroth tells you 'ite koin tuossa selkeesti yliluonnollisen kokemuksen
 pari päivää sitten. koitin pistää pathin jolla ois juossu kotiin mut pistin
 vahingos väärän ja juoksin sivari+:lle vaikkei mulla sinne mitään patheja oo

Posted: 29 Jun 2005 23:10 [ permalink ]
You are done with the chant.
You thrust your hands forward and scream 'shar ryo den...Haa!'
The crackling small blue comet slams into your target and explodes in a
deafening bang!
You watch with selfpride as your channelball hits Lerethin.
Lerethin gets an acute case of iron-poisoning.
Lerethin is DEAD, R.I.P.

1102415: Lerethin, guardian of the elemental dimensions 
Posted: 13 Jun 2005 19:23 [ permalink ]
(19:20) Kooper tells you 'you have been a disappointment since you created
 char, you have never lived up to your potential and are clearly a waste of
 time, im afriad that im going to have to sever all ties and remove your
 existence from my long term memory'
Posted: 02 May 2005 16:28 [ permalink ]
(14:57) Mystic tells you 'campion kuulemma ajaa sua perseeseen tänään.'
(14:57) Mystic tells you 'aika hitleri kyllä toi antti'

Posted: 08 Jun 2004 01:43 [ permalink ]
"Päin helvettiä menee mutta ei voi valittaa
rima pysyy paikallaan kun riman alittaa
tavoitteestaan luopuu silloin kun sen tiputtaa
vastustaja havahtuu ja juhlan liputtaa

Onnetonna onnun sekaan yli sanojen
missä onkaan alku tuskan hikivanojen
soitan mutten vastaa eikä vastaa yksikään
itseäni tajua en hylätyksikään

Kuinka täällä piipitetään kuinka inistään
telkkarikin yöhön syytää tylsää sinistään
yhteiskunta auttaa tukee tekohengittää
antaa valjaat puolaimet ja vielä kengittää

Viisaudet on kirjoissa ne sinne jätetään
komiteamietintöjä niskaan mätetään
mitä huomaankaan jos itseäni hivelen
ainoastaan turpoamaan päässeen nivelen..."
Posted: 20 Dec 2003 19:28 [ permalink ]
(19:28) Antikiller tells you 'arvaappa mitä :)'
(19:28) Antikiller tells you 'saimpa muuten pilluaki tänään mutten kerro sitä
 sulle! :)'
Posted: 20 Nov 2003 21:15 [ permalink ]
well had little amazon fun fun fun today, tried to get emerald ring ring with
mine name. We got party going to quite nicely and got (first)repop too while
slaying first 3 amazons so we kill those finally we get after tigra and
bastards repop and aggro on us:). After playing with mudpits tigra and her
minions are finally dead, but someone else won the dice and he refused to sell
it :) 

ps. grammar corrections are welcome:P
Posted: 13 Nov 2003 23:31 [ permalink ]
(22:51) Campion tells you 'enkä ole! mulla on vaan pitemmät piuhat ku muilla'

nii toi on sitä varten jos joku lulee että puhe oli jostain siveettömästä
campionin blogissa
Posted: 12 Nov 2003 10:31 [ permalink ]
Campion tells you 'elä säkään nussi mua sitte perseeseen'
Posted: 31 Oct 2003 04:51 [ permalink ]
Antikiller tells you 'toisaalta on sanonta ettei pitäis eläimiin sekaantua
 mutta toisaalta vieläki himottais'

Antikiller tells you 'no jos tuohon koskee ja lähtee leviään niin joudun
kanadaan hirviä nussimaan lopuksi ikää'

Antikiller tells you 'siis mutta ajattele et himottaa kuin pientä sikaa
 mutta joutuis jotain hamsteria naimaan?'**