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Posted: 02 Jan 2004 22:28 [ permalink ]
Hmpf and another funny day in my soap opera called Me and my life. Got an SMS
which basically killed my plannings for my next Finland trip again... Why do i
always define myself through others and take everything personal??? What
doesn't kill me makles me stronger or something... BLAHblahblablablahblaah.
Starting tomorrow I'll work 5 days in a row ... oh well at least there is one
Sunday in it which means extra money. But also 2 early shifts.. Even took
Valerian to get me tired.. which didn't work so far though. Already the 2cnd
in this year and my Bday is getting nearer.. was Shay's Bday today though.
Wish there was more to say but sometimes i'm just too tired mentally to type
all this shit again. Let's hope that 2004 will be MY year.