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Posted: 03 Apr 2004 20:28 [ permalink ]
Humpf. Work got me back and I successfully finished my 4th early shift in a
row. Slightly melancholic atm. Just heard that my friends planned THE party
event of the year on a day when I have to work, snapped at 2 of my mud friends
within the last couple of days and heard that my former Padawan Beliar has
stopped mudding. Just generally having a slightly agressive basic feeling and
am not sure at all where that is from. Just a bit puzzled at myself I guess.
Partly got the discussions in mud back in line at least. Next vacation will be
Kuopio at the 21st of April and as usually I'm already looking forward to it
like hell... though it seems kinda pathetic that my lifes only highlights are
the trips abroad. Was kinda shocked when I heard about the fact that the USA
expanded their fingerprint & photo taking to germany and other countries...
looks like no campcon for me this year either then...  Would be invited to a
party tonight but am rather tired from those 4 early shifts and there mostly
are co workers of me at the party.. and I don't need them in my spare time as
well. Sigh should move to Finland? But it's just a dream or a little game I
play in my mind.