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Posted: 16 Apr 2004 19:11 [ permalink ]
Ok kids, today I am gonna talk about people and PEOPLE. And about other prople
who fall for those PEOPLE. I just don't get why our world allows those who are
the biggest assholes to get on and on and on with their tour. Is it really
true that the descent people in this world can't get on with their lifes or be
successful cause those who open up their mouths the widest are the most liked
etc etc. Maybe I'm the only one who is able to see through some PEOPLE's masks
but that seems so unlikely to me. On days like these I am doubting the sanity
of mankind over and over again. Does a woman really not need more than tits
and the will to fuck to get men drooling for her? Maybe I'm getting jealous at
these PEOPLE who can do whatever they want simply by getting everyone hopping
around for them. In the cause of my life I guess I lost a couple of 'friends'
to those PEOPLE who dazzle everyone into not seeing who they actually are. I
guess these 'friends' are not real friends but still it hurts to see someone
one likes, respects and thinks of as a friend falling to PEOPLE. Maybe the
only thing to do is to wait and hope that someday the dazzling effect of
PEOPLE fades away and some of those who fell under their spell finally are
able to open their eyes again.  Hm great now I end pondering whether I'm not a
PEOPLE as well and only jealous that others dazzle brighter. Or maybe I just
care too much and should just finally get my own life in order.. it's just
hard though... after all I have this bad tendency to be kicked into the face
by real life, taking me out of my Peter Pan like happy happy joy joy fantasy
world. It's a very, very Mad World! To those actual people who are left
reading my ramblings: Our area is currently undergoing approval and I have
high hopes it will be ready to rumble soonish. Less than a week to go to
Finland ... I started packing today and will continue doing so within the next
days. Early shift block is starting tomorrow and I will have a Trainee with me
for at least 3 days... it's Ok though I'm not in t he best social mood... but
maybe it will keep my minds of pondering and on work. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.