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Posted: 01 May 2004 16:59 [ permalink ]
Got up. What a start. Had some booze alone yesterday, pondering about people
and PEOPLE again.. but for that read my earlier blogs. Read some Blogs of
other players, got outside yelled about the stupidity of some woman in general
and americans in special and went back in again after calling someone who
explained me how I open the door.  Noo Joke aside... feeling Ok for a change
today (HAH Im lying to myself) Wondering in which direction to go and what to
do. Still don't understand though how PEOPLE can get through life so much more
better than people.... prolly the old problem of the world that those who yell
loudest are thought to be the cutest. Well I still have faith in my friends
that those who I see as important can distinguish between people and PEOPLE.
Well I'm prolly biased... 

I really wonder whether it comes from my studies (soon to be M.A. in American
Studies) that I see the USA so sceptically nowadays.. after all they used to
be my absolute favorite holiday country as a kid... but maybe then I was
blinded by the happy happy joy joy advertising and the brainwashing... 

Whatever. Some friends might come over tonight and i plan to have an extensive
greaaaaaaat full bath later on with some well smelling bubble stuff and maybe
some candles and a good book.. damned I love myself when I'm romantic. Coding
goes well. Seems we agreed we want our area released till Kuopiocon though I
have my doubts we will have everything we need till then and then there also
is the question of  aproval... Our aprover is doing a great job but then again
he has a whole shitload of stuff to aprove. 

Currently listening to the weirdest stuff at all. Atm I really like Icelandic
Music.. my favorite is Pál Óskar. I should ask Jutom to check out how much the
albums are over there when he goes back to Iceland.