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Help: Lfb

LFB Looking For Botfight ========================== The LFB-tool is used like 'lfp', but to challenge other teams to fight in the battlebot arena. To use the lfb, just enter 'lfb' and it will show you the syntax: ################### Usage: lfb [list|queue|remove] list - list everyone in the queue. queue - add yourself to the queue. can be 'ranked' or 'normal'. is a free field. remove - remove yourself from the queue. teams - list all battlebot teams. info - show info about a certain team. ################### 'list' is to list the current queue. You can add yourself to this list by just entering 'lfb queue'. It will set the default values. To remove yourself, enter 'lfb remove'. It will also announce to everyone else that you've left the queue. You can check the current teams and their exact info with 'lfb teams' and 'lfb info '. When you enter the arena, it will automatically remove you from the queue. SEE ALSO battlebots

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