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Help: Lost password

************************************************************************** Lost password First thing to do is to go to the password recovery in BatMUDs webpage ( and request your password by the form. The new password will be sent to you if you have set your email with the 'email' command. Assuming that you have either registered your character with the 'register' command, or set your email address with the 'email' command, even to an expired email account, we may be able to help. Inform an arch or a sage (basically any wizard at level 150 or above) that you have forgotten the password of your character. If there is no arch or sage available at the moment, try sending one of them some mudmail. Tell him/her the name of the character and ask him/her politely for help. He/she will reset the password to something else (BatMUD uses one-way hashes for password, so decrypting the old password is next to impossible - well, horribly timeconsuming anyway) and email it to the email address set with the 'email' command or with the 'register' command for the character whose password is lost. NOTE! If you have not registered your character or set your email address, be prepared to dig your memory about the details of the character so we can ensure the proper ownership of that character. ++ Archwizards

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