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Help: Newbie crystal

******************************************************************************* The Batmud Player's Manual NAME crystal - The newbie helper crystal SYNOPSIS crystal [options] OPTIONS light - light up the crystal (1) dark - make crystal emit darkness (1) off - turns light/darkness off (1) heal - heal hit points (2) power - heal spell points (2) endurance - heal endurance points (2) replenish - heal a litte of hps, sps and eps (2) infra - activate infravision (3) floating - activate floating (3) recall - recall to starting location, or Arelium, or Dortlewall (4) help - help for the crystal, with some extra info DESCRIPTION Newbie helper crystal is an artifact given to every newbie by Saint Damogran. Use your newbie crystal for various effects. Try 'touch crystal' for list of what is currently available for you. You can try 'tell damogran crystal' to get a new crystal if you manage to lose yours. The crystal will will eventually fade away and vanish -- but don't hesitate to use it as often you can, as the vanishing is triggered by total experience gained (1M) or levels (29), not the times you have used it. Also worth noting is that the crystal becomes weaker and weaker as you progress. NOTES (1) These commands are always available as long as you have the crystal. (2) These commands share a cooldown. The cooldown is level-based. (3) These commands are once per hour, and only one at a time. (4) These stop working before the other activations, at level 25, or at 250k exp, whichever comes first. EXAMPLES touch crystal crystal light crystal heal crystal infra crystal help crystal recall Dortlewall SEE ALSO help tutorial

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