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25 Years of BatMUD

Helsinki, Finland March 30, 2015

BatMUD. A Legend on the Internets turns 25 years old on the 14th of April, 2015. A game that you can easily play for decades.

Think about it, what other game still has your player character waiting, ready and playable after such as 20 to 25 years of absence? None, but your own BatMUD.

The Game, already present on the Internet on the dawn of the World Wide Web itself, surfeited with players who could already then enjoy its rich Realm and extensive, original content. Even back in this day, the gaming experience provided a wild range of options and ways for interfacing with other players on an unprecedented level.

Today, BatMUD continues to flourish as the text-based alternative, a free to play, vast Realm, which will literally take a player years to master and explore. It's an option to the fast-moving, commercial world of repleted appstores, mobile games, console gaming and the more graphically bound MMOs. Your path on BatMUD lies in your own hands, abiding your time - as you decide when to play. Playing BatMUD is like reading a good book, with the exception that you become the writer yourself, through interactions you take in the game.

We wish to express our Thank You for all the years on the gaming scene - from the underdog ever in development, always online.

Check out how mudders look like after 25 years of gaming! BatMUD's 25th Anniversary Gala Official picture gallery.

Yours, forevermore,