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Play BatMUD

Learning to master BatMUD, in its huge diversity and variety of individual choices is not an easy feat - the learning curve is very steep. Once you get accustomed to the Realm, its People and on-going events, you'll find yourself in a very playable and powerful environment.

Wouldn't you agree that all the budgets in the world couldn't create the uniqueness that only ages (30+ years) of craftmanship can bring? You've reached one of such diamonds, just perhaps the most intriguing online game in existence. If you wish to first read more about the customization options, available races, guilds, societies, skills, spells and other talents, see game info for more.

How to get started

Getting to play BatMUD online is fairly easy, just follow these steps to get started:

1Create a Character for the game on the web 2Play using Batclient or conventional methods 3Enjoy yourself!

Download the Official Game Client

We did the unthinkable by modernizing the Game that has already been here for 34 years!

Latest client version 1.171

Check out the client