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3rd Las Vegas player conference

Las Vegas, United States August, 2023

BatMUD hosts Vegascon 2023, a player meet-up for the 3rd time in Las Vegas, Nevada

What seems to have become a tradition of repeating every 6 years or so, BatMUD has kept the official Vegascon going! (There have been a some further, more unofficial player meetups in Vegas as well.)

Even with COVID-19 taking down half of our admins (making them unable to participate), we believe everyone had a great time exploring Las Vegas with us, including Area15 and other side-activities!

All participants received e.g. a share of handmade custom BatMUD Las Vegas 2023 baseball caps, BatMUD stickers and fridge magnets. It's rumoured that there's an easter egg, laying out the foundations or at least hinting towards BatMUD game client v2 (and how it may look like..)

Wishing to see everyone next time, again!

Event pictures in our gallery.