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BatMUD Las Vegas Convention 2006

BatMUD's Las Vegas Convention 2006 will be held on the Columbus Day weekend (Friday, October 6th - Monday, October 9th). If you are coming, record your attendance in-game to Nasu's list (the little weasel mascot located in BatCity Church), do it - RIGHT NOW! The list will be finalized (and frozen) on Monday, the 25th of September. After that, well, of course, you're STILL very welcome to join us - but we cannot guarantee your participation in the planned events (reservations). The VegasCON is a "FREE" convention for our Players, even though you will have to reserve & pay for your own hotel room, travel costs, food and whatever generic expenses you may cause for yourself! :)
There's a total of (at least) SIX Archwizards en-route towards the Convention, possibly the largest concentration arches there will ever be on U.S. soil again, at least in 2006, that is.
What can you expect?
Generic easygoing, chilling and relaxed "being together" with other BatMUD people.