It was long rumoured that Campcon 10 would've been the last Campcon of it's kind. The massive floods in Indiana prove it to be a real spectacle-- no matter what you did or tried, you were soaked. But no, we're not through camping mobs, NPCs and players alike; thus behold Campcon 11!
Organized yet again by Entropy and the active community of mudders, held in the fair state of Indiana, USA between June 4th - 7th, 2009.
As what has become common, "the event caters mostly to those from the Midwest region of the United States. However, past years have included players from many far-flung states, as well as from the countries of Canada, Australia, Germany and, of course, Finland."
It is a friendly happening in which for example, several elements of "live action roleplay" have been embedded into the actual Campcon event and competitions; such as a Bardic task (competition) from the BatMUD game itself.
"Campcon is an annual event intended to bring together members of the BatMUD community for one weekend to do someting other than slay mobs, gather treasure and bitch about everyone else in game they hate.. It is intended as a Forum where we can sit back, get drunk and Then bitch about everyone else in game that we hate! Sometimes we even do other stuff, like, well, camping."
For more information, see Official Campcon 11 site at
..or join BatMUD for more information!