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Organization: Bylaws of B.A.T. ry

(an un-official, free translation of the association's rules)

This text has been translated from the official, Finnish version of Balanced Alternative Techniques ry rules and has not been revised by the board. B.A.T. ry relieves itself from any flaws and inconsistencies in this English version and holds no obligation to update this document with the latest version of the association's rules. The original official rules are available in Finnish upon special request and reason after getting confirmation from the board.

. The name of the association is Balanced Alternative Techniques. The association holds its domicile in Helsinki, Finland.

. The association's purpose is to promote and facilitate the virtual environments maintained by its primary members; and to nurture and develop object oriented programming skills of its primary members.

To realize this, the association uses its funds in the administration and increasing of its computer resources.

To subsidize its operations the association may accept donations, own set property necessary to its operation, carry out sweepstakes and fund-raising campaigns after acquiring proper permissions and make publications connected to the line of its business. Some of the funding of operations is gathered through membership fees.

. Private persons and communities may become primary members or support members of the association after approval from the association's board of directors. The board also resolves the dismissals of members when needed. Members may resign from the association by delivering a written announcement of resignation to the board or its chairman, or by verbally stating it to be entered to the record in the association's meeting.

A private person may become a support member of the association after the approval of the board. Membership fees are not required from the support members of the association.

The membership fees are gathered from the primary members of the association. The amount of the annual membership fee is determined by the board of the association.

. The board of directors of the association are chosen for a year's term. The board must hold at least three (3) and at most nine (9) primary members in addition to the chairman of the board. The board elects amongst itself a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary, a financial manager and other possibly required officials.

In case the chairman of the board is hindered, the board holds meetings from the summons of the vice-chairman when such is considered necessary, a meeting is also held if or when at least two (2) members of the board require such.

The board is competent when the chairman or vice-chairman and at least three (3) other members of the board are present.

Matters are solved by simple majority of votes. In case the votes are equal, the matter is solved by lot.

. The 'power of attorney' is held by the chairman, vice-chairman and financial-manager, meaning they have the right to sign documents etc. on behalf of the association (procuration).

. The accounting period of the association is one (1) calendar year. The financial statement with the necessary documents is to be given to the auditors not later than two (2) weeks before an annual general meeting. The auditors are to give their written statement to the board not later than one (1) week before the annual general meeting.

. The meetings of the association are summoned by the board. The invitation is to be sent seven (7) days before the meeting, the invitation is to be put on an electronic bulletinboard of the association. The location of this is determined by the board.

. The annual general meeting (for primary members') is held yearly on a date set by the board, before the end of March.

Additional meetings will be held when and if the board deems such necessary or when one tenth (1/10) of the primary members require such from the board through a written document due to a specific matter that has been announced earlier. The meeting is to be held within thirty (30) days from the moment of presentation of the demand.

In the meetings of the association, every primary members has one (1) vote. The decisions are made by simple majority of votes. In case the votes are equal, lot solves the matter.

. The annual general meeting
The following matters are handled in the annual general meeting of the association:

  1. Inauguration of the meeting
  2. Choosing of the chairman of the meeting, secretary of the meeting, two (2) examiners of the record (and two (2) counters of votes)
  3. Noting the legitimacy and quorum of the meeting
  4. Acceptance of the procedure of the meeting
  5. Presentation of the financial statement, financial report and the auditors' declaration
  6. Resolving the validation of the financial statement and granting discharge of liability to the board and others liable to render accounts
  7. Ratification of the plan of action, revenue estimates and estimate of expenditure
  8. The choosing of a new board of directors and chairman
  9. The choosing of two (2) auditors and their two (2) substitutes
  10. Handling of other matters mentioned in the meeting invitation

In case a primary member of the association wishes to get a matter to be handled by the meeting of the association, must he writtenly announce this to the board of directors not less than thirty (30) days before the meeting.

. About altering the rules and the dissolving of the association
The decision of altering the rules or the dissolving of the association must be done in a meeting of the association with at least the majority of three fourth's (3/4) of votes. The meeting invitation must contain a mention about changing of the rules or dissolving the association.

When the association is called off, its funds will be used in promoting its purpose by means decided by the meeting that issues the dissolving of the association. In case the association is suspended, the funds will be used similarly.