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BatMUD Forums > Batclient > Re: BatMapper Usage

28 Feb 2017 23:39
Hi there, fairly new player the cutom client, but I have a question
about the BatUtils-Plugin:

How do I use it?^^' The Corpses-part is pretty straight forward, but the mapper
seems to be doing nothing for me, and the manual is no help in this regard.
Is it just that Dortlewall cant be mapped or do I have to do something to start
mapping? I have seen mapping scripts which require you to manually start the
mapping process, but I cant find anything like that for the BatMapper...

Thanks in advance,

02 Mar 2017 09:26
Xcelsior wrote:
Hi there, fairly new player the cutom client, but I have a question
about the BatUtils-Plugin:

How do I use it?^^' The Corpses-part is pretty straight forward, but the mapper
seems to be doing nothing for me, and the manual is no help in this regard.
Is it just that Dortlewall cant be mapped or do I have to do something to start
mapping? I have seen mapping scripts which require you to manually start the
mapping process, but I cant find anything like that for the BatMapper...

Thanks in advance,
Well, those who can read clearly have the edge over those who can't...
Command is in the description of the plugin...
"Then issue the command "set client_mapper_toggle on" in-game for the mapping
to work"
Sometimes you are just blind...
