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BatMUD Forums > Inform > Halloween 2014: Resident BatMUD

31 Oct 2014 04:27
If you're an avid explorer of my areas (and why wouldn't you be, they're
awesome) you might have figured out that the Haunted Mansion is a homage to
one of my favorite games of all time, Resident Evil 2. This Halloween, I
release the T-Virus on the inhabitants of BatMUD.

-- over time, random creatures in random locations will become infected.
Infection results vary based on the type of creature infected, but they all
become stronger, and some become undead as well. Worse, they bite each other
(infecting yet more monsters) and players too.
-- Infected players will find themselves with gradually dwindling health.
Standard curing spells won't have any useful effect: you will need to find a
special cure somehow or you will eventually die.
-- As the world infection level rises, monsters will become infected faster
and faster, and not even cities will be spared. Killing the infected monsters
is the best way to keep places like Arelium safe to stand in.
-- Infected monsters will drop special items needed to create vaccines and
cures. Special event points are awarded for turning in these items. These can
be spent on prizes available after the event is over.

I intend to run the event full-force starting at reboot, but at the time of
this posting, a smaller trial run is already underway. I'll use this time for
bugfixes and numbers balancing. Points earned in the trial run will be saved
to the real event.

Shinarae "William Birkin" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 34d, 2h, 21m, 3s old
200 [Wizard]