Kharim followers guild (20 lvl's) (located in the greatest mud on earth BATMUD
About the Guild:
After the great war of Chaos the old mighty leader was beaten into oblivion and the Kharimists
rose upon the land of Rothikgen. These evil and dark followers spread out some odd rumours around
the peaceful lands of Batmud. This dark legion feast on souls and they follow only one leader, Kharim.
Disciples of Kharim can be found near the city of Shadowkeep in Rothikgen. Look for rough terrain
following northeast path from Shadowkeep north-entrance besides the sea near
quarry. The Kharim followers should bear in mind that this
guild needs extreme efforts and has a very big learning curve to finally meet the needs of their master Kharim.
The guild accepts both nomad and evilreligious backround players. The guild is based on many fighting
skills and very interesting spells and skills. Gathering of souls will be your main goal to reach the ultimatum
in Chaos of Kharim. You can gather souls without the Chaosblade, so dont hurry in making of one...
How to start your dark way into Kharim's black heart:
So you've found the guild entrance. Luckily you even figured out how to access the dark-elevator which
takes you around the guild floors. The guild headquarters can be found in Hall of one thousand voices.
It shall be your first step to take. In the main hall you can find the recruiters, trainers, teachers
and the normal basic guild helpers. You start with the recruiter near the elevator entrance to the north.
Learn about the skills and spells throught the help files. Note that some spells and skills may need to be
trained a percentage before the helpfile is visible to you. The Kharim-guild offers you plenty of variety
and different aspects of chaos so you better listen and learn carefully what those instructors will tell you.
Look out for Wolfman instructor and "talk to" him. Listen to the maelstroms at Hall of the one thousand voices,
they have important things to tell you so just stay close to one and see...
You should also read in news guilds.kharim what other players have told about Kharim.
Chaos is an evolution and you are the bait :
Kharim offers you possibility to meet a smith who will make your chaos blade.
The blade making is a very difficult processand should not be hurried with. Meet the dark-smith west side
in hall of one thousand voices. Remember that Kharim followers don't use spells in battle.
*How to make your blade
You will need atleast 60kg of material(s), one weapon which will be used as a mould and money to hire the smith.
You don't pay until the chaosblade is done, however the amount of money you put in smith's contract will determine
how fast he will work on your blade. Don't expect to get your blade in 10mins, you will found out why.
You also have to give the smith some working hours into the contract, more hours; better chance to get some
nice Chaos-evolution on your blade. Top amount of hours is 75, and yeah, they're real-life hours.
HINT: some dark soul told once, that he used some Equipments too while tossing the blade ingredients into
the chaos-forge...
While the smith is making your blade you will have to meet him from time to time and with these visits you'll
get some small tasks to be done. At these points the other floors in our guild will make sense to you...
The blade wont be made in a flash, so be prepared for a long wait. Theres a queue and the smith will work on
with the highest bidder's blade first.
You can collect souls without your blade, so there's no need to hurry things.
After the smith's work is done and you finally get your chaosblade, look out for some extreme and vicious skills
Kharim has to offer you. Scourge of dark steel, Beheading of the departed and so on. To know more about souls and
how they behave when captured talk to the strange exorcist in north wall at our guild, Hall of one thousand voices.
It's been said that the first souls should be transferred to Wailing Voices, but you can transfer souls in and out
from places shown to you with command "kharim souls".
After the long progress while fighting with your Chaosblade you'll open more info on how to use souls for your
Remember, every chaosblade and its progress is and will be different.
Further development on your career as a follower of Kharim:
*Keys are important. Any key can be used. You can find Chaos-device (named Delekaia) at east wall in our
guild's main hall.
If you feed keys (you must feed keys) to the device you're able to train in places which only opens when
the guild collectively has fed enough keys to open those training-floors. How much keys is needed? Many.
The feeded keys wont reset over boots, so every key you bring will make you closer to be able to train at
those specific floors. If you're lucky and will be the first one to get enormous amounts of keys into device,
you will become a keyholder. The keyholder can open the training floor for everybody. You will see when you're
the first one. Without keys, you can't train situational warfare at all. So keys are your best friends.
Don't missunderstand or mix-up these key-training floors with normal skill/spell training. Those normal trainers
can be found at Hall of thousand voices. And yes, there's more than 5 trainers around, search.
*Feasting on souls is the main thing to do in Kharim. You suck your mob-souls into your soul-pool. There are many
places to transfer your souls and these things can be learned from guild-exorcist. The soul of killed mob
will first go into "controlled souls". When you visit exorcist at guild you can transfer these souls around.
Every time you make your Chaosblade you have to use it awhile to get benefit from souls binded to it.
You will get messages when the blade is ready for souls to bind in.
Also you can identify your blade and Chaos-evolution at our guild's cave found in west wall. You find
guil artificer there. Don't panic when entering the cave first time. It is recommended that those first
captured souls should be safe in "wailing voices".
In your soul-evolution path, it will be possible to use your souls throught beheading of departed skill and to make
your souls summon up armies of dead to help you on your quests and battles.
*Memories and memory-training
You gain different memories from Kharim followers around the bat-world.
At higher levels and skill percentages, these memories can also be taught to other Kharim followers.
Kharim followers are everywhere, it's better for you to start with orc-strategist found in Arelium. He
travels around the city, so go and find him. Next head to other main cities; Rilynttar for an example.
When you have your first memory, and you kill a mob and use beaheading of the departed skill (needs chaosblade)
try to speak the memory out. Beheading skill is needed when travelling outside of guild. At guild you can use
them as is.
Mastering Kharim is a hard and a rocky road so as an advice;
this guild is not ment for firstcomers in Batworld.
This info is not even close to walkthrough. You need to use your head and you need to listen for guides.
Talk to guild channel for more help. Find those instructors and maelstroms!
To put this all simple: Learn and listen!
Welcome to the coolest guild on bat, Kharim follower...
© Mikefish 2008
(Corrections and clearouts by Crawe)
DISCLAIMER this guild was coded by the master wizards of BATMUD ©
The genius behind this guild-coding project was Drol ( He will zap me for using his gangstan31m. *snicker*