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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.mage > Mage questions I cannot figure out - staffs,

22 May 2006 10:04
Quack, Quack...

STAFF: I am having a great deal of trouble figuring out what my shiny new
wizard staff does. I can create it, and I\'ve seen the two other posts here
on it - but I still do not get what exactly it does... and do I have to wield
it to gain its benefits (whatever those are)? Does it take batteries?

Spell listing: Thanks to some online help, I can find my raw spell stats in
the \"mage info level #\" command, but I was hoping there was
another way that would just list all of my skills and spells and the raw
percentile for them?

Thanks for any advice on these two topics

Vuud the mage duck

1d, 8h, 11m, 34s old