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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.lord_chaos > Recent LoC changes.

13 Nov 2006 04:01
Okay, now that things have started rolling alright, I'll make a more
detailed news from the changes that were done. I hope it'll answer
some of your possible questions, and recap some of the stuff I've
rambled on the loc guild channel during the last few days.

Two masteries were introduced to the guild, namely Wrath of Chaos
and Charms of Chaos. They're both internal masteries which don't
require specific training. They increase automatically by playing
a LoC and using LoC skills, spells and the blade. The benefits of
the masteries vary quite a lot, ranging from additional damage to
special effects, some of which might unlock only at the latter

Now Eventhough it might seem a good idea to go and ravage
the whole newbie valley with your high-level LoC in order to speed
up your mastery-gathering process, it's really in vain. There are
checks in place which _should_ prevent such activity. If you happen
to run across a clear 'abuse hole' for any of the masteries, don't
hesiate to inform about it. Your mastery gain is logged anyhow, so
you'll up getting caught eventually in any case. To see your current
masteries, type 'lord_chaos masteries'.

A new skill 'Kiss of Death' was added to the guild.
It's a neutral skill, currently usable before combat.
A new spell 'Acid rain' was added to the guild.
An average area spell of the acid damage type.
A new spell 'Chaos bolt' was added to the guild.
A weak single target asphyxiation spell.
A new spell 'Aura of Chaos' was added to the guild.
An experimental spell, which you'll eventually be able to
figure out yourself.

I tweaked practically every existing LoC related skill, spell and
even the blade while introducing the LoC Masteries to the game, you
should really repeat all the testing you've done before, as the effects
might have changed even to the point of previously useless skills & spells
getting actually useful. However that decision is naturally up to you.

Most of these changes were made in haste, so it's only natural that
there will be bugs and unwanted features still around; please, don't
hesitate to report any anomalities as soon as you see them.

Everything is still under testing and may change radically if deemed fit.
The same applies to additional content in the future, which may or may not
be coming. That's depending on many factors.

***NOTE*** This is in no way connected to the project 'new locs'. To my
knowledge, it's neither speeding them up, nor slowing them down in any way.
Anyhow, don't stress about them and what happens to this and that if and when
they come. Just play in peace, we'll figure out something :)


W i z a r d
2y, 116d, 6h, 44m, 57s old
120 [Wizard]