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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.nun > Hour of prayer (askarrellaan rautalangasta)

06 Dec 2006 16:50
[disclaimer: these words are only from one synod member and doesn't
necessarily reflect opinions of guildleader/other synod members nor anyone
else for that matter]

Since attending prayers and/or understanding their importance has always
seemed to be overwhelmingly difficult for some people, I decided to write a
bit about it.

As you should well know already (if you don't, i wonder how you got invited in
the first place), prayers affect the whole guild and is a mandatory event for
every nun. There are 7 prayers per week, each lasting usually around 1-2h. If
you miss a prayer, you are likely to be punished. Since there's no real
prewritten policy on punishing, it depends on prayer keeper and other synod
members what kind of punishment will you get, if any. However, if you
constantly keep missing prayers, don't expect the punishment to be small.

Couple hints:

- READ THE NUN BOX you get when you log into game, it specifically says if
there's a prayer going on. Note that popping into game during prayer for 30sec
to check something fast and then logging off is considered "not praying".
- Pray as soon as possible, the prayer keeper just might have something better
to do than wait for the last one who's drinking beer in a mudpit and coming
when he's mentally prepared to.
- Don't idle for long periods. If you don't play then log off.
- Does a white line "DING DOOONG" seem familiar? It translates roughly to "GET
- Check 'nun inform' or 'nun say last' before logging off to make sure you
didn't miss prayer.

If you're in an "impossible" situation and can't attend prayer (for example
fighting an extremely hard/timesensitive monster that really requires every
single partymember to be present all the time), remember to talk about it with
prayer keeper as soon as possible, ie. during prayer, not after. Due to lack
of a solid policy, as mentioned before, it's up to prayer keeper to decide
whether your reason is valid. Being in Holy Battlegrounds is widely considered
to be good enough reason though.

- Nuane "hermot took damage :-DDD retireen moro ->" Maanviljelija

N e w b i e  H e l p e r
2y, 335d, 14h, 11m, 15s old