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BatMUD Forums > Newbie help >

03 Jan 2010 14:00
I havn't played in years....but thought I check the mud out, of course I got a free reincarnation after so long, but with the new guilds and such a bit lost as to whats what. I don't see the LOC listed, are they gone, or there some form of replacement guild? IF not what would you guys recomend for a old player returning and wanting to get the feel of the game?
176d, 3h, 42m, 31s old
03 Jan 2010 20:00
Oh yeah, and sitting with around 71, 342, 869 exp on me, heh no idea how much that is worth these days.
176d, 3h, 42m, 31s old
08 Jan 2010 11:47
Try reicn sim by nosunrise.

Closest to old loc would most likely be kharim guild but I would not suggest it as first guild.

With 71m you should be able to make 2 full guilds or close. I think that tzarakk or reaver might suite you if you liked loc.

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." -- H L Mencken
N e w b i e  H e l p e r
299d, 4h, 40m, 2s old
23 Jul 2011 16:31
Hey! Just bumping thin thread since i can definitly relate. Batmud was a love of mine..haha near obsession both before and some time after the two big revamps and upgrades circa 97' to the helsinki servers. I took a peek the other day, and to a almost bitter sweet suprise my mac notebook, a very java racist platform at the time being..

The genral idea and awesome-ness of the bat-client was sucessfully translated, and i was able to steal a win7 girlfriend notebok for time being..

Bassically what the bat-client did was remind me how awesome is and the possibility to make it that much more less-painful to our weak little eyes, zmud then came to mind.. reminding me of a whole new MUD career, and quite honestly, my most active time...

I find myself in the dark as far as where i left off, as far as what rumors are rumors and what rumors have been coded (finnaly :) was sad to hear about the break down of one particular nomad guild, but im looking forward to finding out what my character actually is worth (exp, strength - wise) - so i can spend according to research and community suggests... One problem ive run into other than being on a kickass notebook that hates java (i think i found a solution community, prog for mac usuers if interested) - it apears reincs costs more than i have, and money is always paramount, specially for addict reincers like my character used to be.. Any suggestions as to how i should go about assecing my char, based on info (if its public, if not i dont mind posting for general help issues if its ok). It funny, in some parts of the game, its like ridinga bike, but there was something special about partying, and mudding, so i hope you guys dont mind helpen me out. or sharing some secrets or tips on how to acess my money/smart-reinc (7 years at-least since i reinced) atleast i wont be taxedd to be bad :P any perks?
115d, 15h, 38m, 55s old