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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.nun > changes

21 Jan 2008 18:42
Greetings Sisters,

I did some rebalancing of nun spells and holy lance is now usable against
both undeads and evil targets and gives benefit to both types of attack
spells. (not only undeads as it previously were)

I also remade all the attack spell dices to remove the huge randomness
they had. The "spread" of damage due to dicing should be a lot lower
now. (The average damage remained same, more or less, maybe a bit higher).
a tiny uptune was given to holy bolts damage.

Cleanse heathen had also its forumlas re-checked and re-balanced. It
should work a lot better now.

May Las light your path,

Zin Zilver
Guild Master

A r c h w i z a r d
5y, 188d, 12h, 19m, 6s old
600 [Wizard]