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BatMUD Forums > Newbie help >

26 May 2011 12:23
I know i'm not a newbie as such, but I have recently reinced to try something and feel like one again!

Is there a list anywhere of basic equ sets for newbies, such as a basic wis/off/spr/hpr/int set of affordable, and some makeable pieces of different equ sets, I know there is nosunrises but it you can't just see.

Basicallly, what I personally am after though is a list of a basic affordable/some gettable pieces, hpr set

The bits I know at the moment are:-
dex/hpr yellow leather leggings from aldor
hpr silk shirt
hpr rings form davelok
hpr head from king in votk
dpr pendant from buckthorn
shadow scarab/bracelets if yer lucky from burning village

Would anyone be able to advise on some equ or post a rough set at all I should aim for.
135d, 2h, 57m, 30s old