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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.mage > a new spell

14 Mar 2008 14:29
A new spell for the mage base guild was implemented.

Prismatic burst

Help available on topic:
Casting time: 7 rounds.
Type of spell: attack spell.
Affecting stats: int.
Spell point cost: 283.
This is a powerful offensive spell that allows the caster to use mage staff to
assemble elements acquired from the schools of magic. The elements are then
transformed into projectiles that will hit the target. Damage caused by the
spell depends on the element that is used to create the projectile. This spell
can only be cast once per target. The damage done by the spell depends on
knowledge of the spell and elements.

Send your bugreports and ideas to me,

W i z a r d
1y, 272d, 5h, 1m, 7s old
50 [Wizard]