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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.mage > types vs. resists

14 Apr 2008 10:26
I so feel like Blacksmith of mageguild now!
Since the conversion, there cannot be 7type mage and it seems that the average
of types is 4,3.
We all know there are certain monsters ingame that are fixed to NOT take
certain types, some less some more. The types all monsters (excluding, again,
certain eq monsters who may or may not take just 1 type which may or may not
be random) take (excluding random) are mana and acid. To compensate for this
'lack' of types I suggest the removal of fixed poison-shrug,cold-grunt and
write-types_not_mentioned from undeads and lessening the probablility of
monster shrugging a type.
By the latter I mean all monsters, the random that gives monsters resists
could be tuned to favor the lower end.
Wizards can still make by their choice a monster that takes only 1 random type
or whatever but the randomness that makes that undesirable event happen would
not be present.
I dont know about others, but the choices I made for types were more based on
what prots I will be needing than what's good to shoot. The choices I made
(not blaming that on anyone else) already excludes me from parties that would
do some eq-monsters.

1y, 96d, 5h, 15m, 49s old