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BatMUD Forums > Newbie help >

21 Nov 2011 15:27

I havent played for years and I forgot my pwd, so I created a new character..
After few days I have found out the password and logged in successfuly.
Now I tried to enroll my secondary character, but its not possible (24h after creation limit)..
Is there a way to enroll? I still would like to play the other character :(

3y, 284d, 18h, 34m, 31s old
19 Dec 2011 09:32
I know it's a bit late to answer this topic but in case someone else has this issue.
Yes, it is possible to connect them by wizardly magic.

Contact a wizard in-game to sort you out.

W i z a r d
15y, 83d, 1h, 26m, 3s old
122 [Wizard]