To all the faggots & wizards who let them get away with being faggots,
enjoy your dying game. It's become less fun just about everyday since
I started due to assholes like glacius & laaban. Who wants to PVP/PK
against someone with 20 yrs headstart? Not I.
To the rest who made some of it fun, hope you find other enjoyable
challenges in the future. Peace.
To all the faggots & wizards who let them get away with being faggots,
enjoy your dying game. It's become less fun just about everyday since
I started due to assholes like glacius & laaban. Who wants to PVP/PK
against someone with 20 yrs headstart? Not I.
To the rest who made some of it fun, hope you find other enjoyable
challenges in the future. Peace.
If one PK year ago causes such a crack on your ego, this truly isn't your
game. Piss off and consider playing solitaire in future.