So I'm going to waste levels in wanderers. Thus I need special explore rooms, and plan on listing what I can find/think of here. Help if you want, don't if you don't!
The ones everyone says:
Ancona Manor
The rest:
Rusty Shield
Mage guild (someone get this for me)
Wibble ?
castle bigeal (thanks sumendar)
asmo sacrifice room (thanks hrolf)
ochimo (thanks askan)
twisted prophecies (thanks malacoda)
ackbar's (Lavitz multiplay for me and do this cause i'm too lazy)
Pyramid (thanks Lavitz) (ps. Pyramid is full of evil death if you dont know)
Final room of Akira (thanks nosunrise)
Way to Stifsim (thanks nosunrise!)
ikars aradhiel's room (thanks xortoth)
anthill (thanks jumbo)
xyrtone room in wildspace (thanks gorge)
buckthorn valley x4 (thanks nosunrise) (thanks again nsr)
legolas (thanks rigger)
Perin's, final room of lq Robes of time (thanks astrax)
sunderland mayor's room (thanks hair)
seaside tower (thanks rigger)
dah'bac (really?) (thanks nosunrise)
brotherhood of sorcery (thanks nosunrise)
Taiga, Saelli's room (thanks nosunrise)
mushroom mother (thanks nosunrise)
stonehenge (thanks nosunrise)
Horsehead Mountain at Kurgan (thanks nosunrise)
Rendburg (aka Frozen Valley)
Old Forest
Paupers (nosunrise of course!) (ps, check out his website for great info) (pps <3 nosunrise)
Elven Outpost (is it in one of the scary locked rooms? i might have this one but some kind soul offer to take me to check)
Brantis (damn i dont know if i have this one either)
The School of Lumine (i know this one and can help) (thanks NSR) (thats NoSunRise :D)
Abandoned Village (thanks Rigger)
Orc Samurai (thanks Astrax)
Foul's Creche (thanks NSR)
Giantkiller's (thanks Unacorda)
Chessboard x2 (thanks nu)
Waino-somethingorother (damn hard to spell names, thanks NSR)
Blackteeth Mountains (thanks NSR)
Someone do a double check that none of these are overlapping areas. I'll gladly edit the list down if they are.
Nosunrise has supplied almost all of these, he is awesome. His website is also awesome, go check it out at: (give me free points for plugging you :D)
more to come obviously
ps. question marks mean i've been told it might exist, but dont know for sure off hand