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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.mage > Re: typeleaders

17 Oct 2010 10:27
I guess i can whine about this too...
For my opinion, leader for every of those 7 types should not be chosen simply
by the essence you have. Could this be changed to somewhat druidleaders are?
So your total casts of type past 2 weeks affects as well in election to become
type leader. This would give some flavour for us newbie mages. :(

Yours truly,
Bam the newbie mage

185d, 14h, 32m, 0s old
17 Oct 2010 14:25
Bam wrote:
I guess i can whine about this too...
For my opinion, leader for every of those 7 types should not be chosen simply
by the essence you have. Could this be changed to somewhat druidleaders are?
So your total casts of type past 2 weeks affects as well in election to become
type leader. This would give some flavour for us newbie mages. :(

Yours truly,
Bam the newbie mage
Yeah that'd be great, gives some of us only-5-year-mages something to compete
for with 10-year-mages! (or so).

(*==-- /\/ --==*) BatMUD Council Representative (*==-- /\/ --==*)

2y, 79d, 20h, 41m, 3s old