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BatMUD Forums > Mudcon.campcon > Re: campcon

19 Dec 2010 03:51
Just to make it official. There will be no Campcon this year by me. Sadly
this will stop the 12 year string of campcons. There are many reasons for the
end of this tradiation by me and nothing specifically. Anyone else is welcome
to run a mudcon this year in America and call it anything they want. There
will still be and will for as long I can, be a Xmas Eve trivia task festival.
Thank you Batmud for your years of support and thank you the hundreds of
mudders who have come to Campcon over the years. And without further to do, I
shall drink until I puke. Thank you.

W i z a r d
1y, 149d, 21h, 49m, 40s old
130 [Wizard]
20 Dec 2010 06:12
Entropy: I speak for everyone when I say it was a great run. Everyone
appreciates the hard work you put in so that we could get together and meet
for the first time(s). We love you, we'll miss this gathering, and if we're
lucky and smart, we'll make our own. And you're totally invited.

Shinarae Lluminus and All Campcon Attendees

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 170d, 20h, 0m, 24s old
200 [Wizard]